Next time you find yourself idly thinking about random stuff, notice just how repetitive it feels at times, and try to interject some thoughts that you never thought before.
For example, I just tried for a minute to come up with answers why the sky is blue, without any care for truth or beauty, aiming only to avoid the feeling of repetitiveness:
1) The universe is filled with blue powder
2) Our eyes are blue on the inside, so when we look at nothing, we see blue
3) It’s not sky, it’s blue land
Fun! I wonder if this exercise is a good alternative to relaxation for creativity.
All of those facts about blue skies are true. I would also like to add that the white sky of a cloudy day is the emissions of a tremendous steam powered machine
Next time you find yourself idly thinking about random stuff, notice just how repetitive it feels at times, and try to interject some thoughts that you never thought before.
For example, I just tried for a minute to come up with answers why the sky is blue, without any care for truth or beauty, aiming only to avoid the feeling of repetitiveness:
1) The universe is filled with blue powder
2) Our eyes are blue on the inside, so when we look at nothing, we see blue
3) It’s not sky, it’s blue land
Fun! I wonder if this exercise is a good alternative to relaxation for creativity.
...and when we age and the lenses in our eyes get yellower, the sky loses some of its blueness.
All of those facts about blue skies are true. I would also like to add that the white sky of a cloudy day is the emissions of a tremendous steam powered machine
Reminds me of the time when I was looking at random objects and inventing novel interpretations for them. (The pictures are kinda small, but clicking enlarges them.)