Try spending time with people who have interesting things to say. Don’t interpret boredom as introversion.
Be Stable, not Neurotic.
Could be just about whether you’re on a winning or a losing streak.
Open to Experience, not Closed.
People can offer you all kinds of silly experiences like skydiving, then complain if you don’t comply. Be careful not to interpret your preferences as openness to experience
Most of these traits can be situation dependent and temporary. People easily interpret situational factors as permanent character traits or the other way around.
Try spending time with people who have interesting things to say. Don’t interpret boredom as introversion.
Could be just about whether you’re on a winning or a losing streak.
People can offer you all kinds of silly experiences like skydiving, then complain if you don’t comply. Be careful not to interpret your preferences as openness to experience
Try performing work that actually interests you.
Optimize your situation to be less depressive.