I think everything but the first sentence here should be in a spoiler box, which you can make by typing “>!” at the start of a line.
I fixed noggin-scratcher’s comment. For markdown users like noggin-scratcher, it’s the following:
This text is spoilered
This is no longer spoilered.
I thought most of it fell under “How difficult is the game, in general”, “How the puzzles fit into the Deduction category”, and “If there are (good) sequels” but evidently my interpretation was looser than your intent.
I think everything but the first sentence here should be in a spoiler box, which you can make by typing “>!” at the start of a line.
I fixed noggin-scratcher’s comment. For markdown users like noggin-scratcher, it’s the following:
This text is spoilered
This is no longer spoilered.
I thought most of it fell under “How difficult is the game, in general”, “How the puzzles fit into the Deduction category”, and “If there are (good) sequels” but evidently my interpretation was looser than your intent.