I generally agree with you here, just wanted to point out that particular failure mode.
I just found out my liver enzymes are over the reference range (not because of alcohol), so the temptation to rationalize away good aspects of boozing is especially high at this moment.
You should have recorded them, might change your opinion. The effect of discussing subjectively deep shit is even worse with weed and LSD.
Actually, my criterion wasn’t how deep it felt at that moment, my criterion was what I thought the next morning and in the days after.
Alcohol, in proper amounts, loosens people up. That helps with good conversations.
Many of the best conversations came from those I’ve developed strong social bonds with through alcohol.
I generally agree with you here, just wanted to point out that particular failure mode.
I just found out my liver enzymes are over the reference range (not because of alcohol), so the temptation to rationalize away good aspects of boozing is especially high at this moment.
And you can also have excellent conversations by plying the other party with alcohol while remaining sober yourself. :-) Though it is less fun.
I’ve been completely sober for the past five months, so that ratio wouldn’t tell us much :)
Besides, I only know my ALT for now. Have no idea what’s wrong yet.