I might go, though it worries me somewhat that no one’s replied saying they are going, ‘cuz I’m more of a ‘interject factoid or non-obvious insight every paragraph or two’ kinda socialite. Also I’m only in Tucson till the 8th and might have to schedule with close friends, might not have access to a car, et cetera. So… 25% chance I’ll show up, 50% if attendance can be shown to be 4 or greater excluding me.
I might go, though it worries me somewhat that no one’s replied saying they are going, ‘cuz I’m more of a ‘interject factoid or non-obvious insight every paragraph or two’ kinda socialite. Also I’m only in Tucson till the 8th and might have to schedule with close friends, might not have access to a car, et cetera. So… 25% chance I’ll show up, 50% if attendance can be shown to be 4 or greater excluding me.