(For what it’s worth from what I can tell Mormons don’t even formally make the sort of ontological commitments that are typical of (at-least-somewhat-reflective) mainstream Christianity (like, ‘Jesus is my savior and I should have expected Him to show up in all logically possible worlds and all possible minds should be rounded-up-to-infinitely compelled by His story and the seemingly contingent features of Jesus [Jesus’s teachings] are actually universal features of Logos and so it would be an obvious epistemic sin to disregard Him [them]’) and so it’s more plausible that it would be possible to go along with Mormonism in something like good faith, even if only jokingly or subtly-ironically or something.)
Will, out of curiosity; do you enclose your comments in parentheses to give them the quality of a “whispered aside”, as if the camera had cut to a couple of conversants sitting in the back stalls? Because that’s what it does in my brain.
I give a 70% chance that Mormon doctrine holds that Jesus is accidental (in the sense of not existing in all possible worlds). He has a physical body, after all. For that matter, so does God.
Mormon theology is too weird for me to fully grok, though.
(For what it’s worth from what I can tell Mormons don’t even formally make the sort of ontological commitments that are typical of (at-least-somewhat-reflective) mainstream Christianity (like, ‘Jesus is my savior and I should have expected Him to show up in all logically possible worlds and all possible minds should be rounded-up-to-infinitely compelled by His story and the seemingly contingent features of Jesus [Jesus’s teachings] are actually universal features of Logos and so it would be an obvious epistemic sin to disregard Him [them]’) and so it’s more plausible that it would be possible to go along with Mormonism in something like good faith, even if only jokingly or subtly-ironically or something.)
Will, out of curiosity; do you enclose your comments in parentheses to give them the quality of a “whispered aside”, as if the camera had cut to a couple of conversants sitting in the back stalls? Because that’s what it does in my brain.
More or less, yeah. Vladimir Nesov has a similar but distinct habit.
Hmmm, I hadn’t thought of that before.
I give a 70% chance that Mormon doctrine holds that Jesus is accidental (in the sense of not existing in all possible worlds). He has a physical body, after all. For that matter, so does God.
Mormon theology is too weird for me to fully grok, though.
(Eat some sauce.)