The Roots of Progress Blog-Building Intensive endorsed by @sapinker, @vpostrel, @johanknorberg, @CharlesCMann, @antonhowes, @s8mb, @kevin2kelly, @Marian_L_Tupy, @atrembath, @jposhaughnessy, @eric_is_weird, @CJHandmer, @srajagopalan, @s_r_constantin, @danielgolliher, @krishnanrohit, and @krisgulati
Hollywood for Intellectuals: Writing Big Ideas for the Big (and Small) Screen
University of Austin’s summer high school program (via @mbateman, who will be teaching there)
Sid Sijbrandij wants a postdoc to help him learn about incentive structures
Loyal (longevity startup) starting to look for a board member
Claude 2 improves performance in coding, math and reasoning (via @AnthropicAI)
Fundraiser for an asylum-seeker who left Russia rather than fight Ukraine (organized by @Marian_L_Tupy)
Audio & video
Very good Kevin Esvelt talk on securing DNA synthesis against misuse
Panel discussion on fundamental research featuring me and others (via @PrimeMoversLab, recorded last October but just published)
Nick Touran (@whatisnuclear) has been scanning old film of nuclear reactors: here’s one about a reactor that powered a military radar station and one about a prototype nuclear cargo ship
Other links
A “protein printer” could “change biology as much as printers changed the news.” Related, “DNA printers are on the cusp of a big upgrade”
“The power to maintain is the power to improve.” Stewart Brand on auto maintenance
The prospects of molecular manufacturing (via @annasofialesiv)
Moralizing about consumption vs. economic reality (via @atrembath)
The Engineering and Technology History Wiki (via @Ben_Reinhardt)
Who have been the best research and development leaders in industry history?
Which companies have incredibly thorough, detailed books written about them?
Foundational texts for a course on economic growth? (And some actual examples)
“A goddess enthroned on a car”: automobiles represented empowerment for women
The importance of statistics in the spread of sanitation and hygiene practices
Other tweets
Many people upset about this weed zapper, but the alternative is spraying poison
Gardens in late-19th c. Paris produced crops using manure from city horses
Rather than “work” vs. “post-work”, the reality is a continuous, gradual change
A new technology that could reduce costs of whole-brain connectomics by 1000x
Academics once saw their work as in service to engineers/industry
Project idea: a series of studies of how different technologies got cheaper
“You cannot separate the ability to make a decision from the ability to make a wrong decision”
Safety is only one reason to want self-driving cars, and not necessarily the top one
Glenn Seaborg, who discovered plutonium and several other elements. See also my essay on nuclides
Alex Tabarrok’s message to Americans: “double down on America”
Weed zapper link has the wrong URL
Oops, sorry. Fixed. Correct link is https://twitter.com/jasoncrawford/status/1677357368999387146
It’s a good thing to help anyone facing oppression, but we can also do that without misinformation. Link clearly states he’s Russian. St Petersburg is second biggest city and old capital of Russia. I suggest to fix the link text, there will be less confusion that way.
You’re right, that was my mistake, I wasn’t reading it carefully enough and I summarized it incorrectly. Fixed now, thanks.