1. I see you haven’t been reading other articles very closely. Given that, I don’t expect you to have read this one very closely. Or that you would read a long reply that I might give very closely. Therefore, why should I spend the effort on it, just so we can get into another arc of pedantry? I don’t really have a stake in it, you see.
2. Basically the same answer as 1. If someone else wants to expand, I’m sure they can; I’d appreciate if they did, but not to feed you.
3. Looks like Daystar Eld already started here, I think it’d be neat if other people would provide more.
(I am having trouble parsing this comment in the context of ialdabaoth’s comments, but think it might be saying something interesting. Is the 2 in this comment referring to ialdabaoth’s comment, or the 2. in Said’s comments, or to a 2 listed somewhere in the article?)
This is an interesting classification.
What exactly does “injecting Slack” mean? (Both in theory, and in practice?)
The “Harnessing the Cloud of Doom” section is rather cryptic; could you expand on it?
What are some examples of each kind of problem? (Three examples per category would be ideal. But any at all would be a well-appreciated start!)
I would also like to know the answers to these. I know that “injecting Slack” is a reference to Zvi’s conception of Slack.
1. I see you haven’t been reading other articles very closely. Given that, I don’t expect you to have read this one very closely. Or that you would read a long reply that I might give very closely. Therefore, why should I spend the effort on it, just so we can get into another arc of pedantry? I don’t really have a stake in it, you see.
2. Basically the same answer as 1. If someone else wants to expand, I’m sure they can; I’d appreciate if they did, but not to feed you.
3. Looks like Daystar Eld already started here, I think it’d be neat if other people would provide more.
This sort of seems like an example of 2: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/9/8/16257502/verrit-peter-daou-aweseome (and more generally, all attempts to collect credit for Creating/Maintaining a Canonical Information Source in an environment where there’s an open infowar.
(I am having trouble parsing this comment in the context of ialdabaoth’s comments, but think it might be saying something interesting. Is the 2 in this comment referring to ialdabaoth’s comment, or the 2. in Said’s comments, or to a 2 listed somewhere in the article?)
Example of Said’s 2, i.e. example of harnessing cloud of doom. Should probably post a separate comment about it.