(I am having trouble parsing this comment in the context of ialdabaoth’s comments, but think it might be saying something interesting. Is the 2 in this comment referring to ialdabaoth’s comment, or the 2. in Said’s comments, or to a 2 listed somewhere in the article?)
This sort of seems like an example of 2: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/9/8/16257502/verrit-peter-daou-aweseome (and more generally, all attempts to collect credit for Creating/Maintaining a Canonical Information Source in an environment where there’s an open infowar.
(I am having trouble parsing this comment in the context of ialdabaoth’s comments, but think it might be saying something interesting. Is the 2 in this comment referring to ialdabaoth’s comment, or the 2. in Said’s comments, or to a 2 listed somewhere in the article?)
Example of Said’s 2, i.e. example of harnessing cloud of doom. Should probably post a separate comment about it.