It’s worth pointing out that in this case, Raemon explicitly said he wasn’t criticizing the argument itself, and he wrote a distinct comment to that effect.
I do think the general point is valid and a serious problem, though; if I criticize X it can be read as giving a pass for Y even though it shouldn’t be (and the even worse parallel problem is when I give reason/argument X for my point, and people then assume that means there’s no additional good reason/argument Y or Z, or otherwise don’t actually add together evidence from diverse angles, especially when they’re relatively illegible).
Obvious brainstorm is, would it be sufficient to say ‘The largest issue with’ or something like that, when you suspect there are additional problems? Or would this create a worse burden; e.g. now if I don’t say that, it is real evidence that there are no additional problems, so now the burden to say anything goes up, and oh no...
It’s worth pointing out that in this case, Raemon explicitly said he wasn’t criticizing the argument itself, and he wrote a distinct comment to that effect.
I do think the general point is valid and a serious problem, though; if I criticize X it can be read as giving a pass for Y even though it shouldn’t be (and the even worse parallel problem is when I give reason/argument X for my point, and people then assume that means there’s no additional good reason/argument Y or Z, or otherwise don’t actually add together evidence from diverse angles, especially when they’re relatively illegible).
Obvious brainstorm is, would it be sufficient to say ‘The largest issue with’ or something like that, when you suspect there are additional problems? Or would this create a worse burden; e.g. now if I don’t say that, it is real evidence that there are no additional problems, so now the burden to say anything goes up, and oh no...