Firstly, a large proportion of the Sequences do not constitute “knowledge”, but opinion. It’s well-reasoned, well-presented opinion, but opinion nonetheless—which is great, IMO, because it gives us something to debate about. And, of course, we could still talk about things that aren’t in the sequences, that’s fun too. Secondly:
Whether the sequences constitute knowledge is beside the point—they constitute a baseline for debate. People should be familiar with at least some previously stated well-reasoned, well-presented opinions before they try to debate a topic, especially when we have people going through the trouble of maintaining a wiki that catalogs relevant ideas and opinions that have already been expressed here. If people aren’t willing or able to pick up the basic opinions already out there, they will almost never be able to bring anything of value to the conversation. Especially on topics discussed here that lack sufficient public exposure to ensure that at least the worst ideas have been weeded out of the minds of most reasonably intelligent people.
I’ve participated in a lot of forums (mostly freethough/rationality forums), and by far the most common cause of poor discussion quality among all of them was a lack of basic familiarity with the topic and the rehashing of tired, old, wrong arguments that pop into nearly everyone’s head (at least for a moment) upon considering a topic for the first time. This community is much better than any other I’ve been a part of in this respect, but I have noticed a slow decline in this department.
All of that said, I’m not sure if LW is really the place for heavily moderated, high-level technical discussions. It isn’t sl4, and outreach and community building really outweigh the more technical topics, and (at least as long as I’ve been here) this has steadily become more and more the case. However, I would really like to see the sort of site the OP describes (something more like sl4) as a sister site (or if one already exists I’d like a link). The more technical discussions and posts, when they are done well, are by far what I like most about LW.
Disagreement is perfectly fine by me. I don’t agree with the entirety of the sequences either. It’s disagreement without looking at the arguments first that bothers me.