Although I appreciate some of the articles on this site, I don’t think I’ll participate much in the discussion.
Although I speak Bayes and know more logic than a human should know, I do not consider myself a rationalist, because I doubt my own rationality. It wouldn’t make sense for an inherently irrational person to spend his time trying to talk rationally when he could be dancing or programming.
Also, I firmly believe that Christianity can not be proven by argument, only by evidence (miracles). And only God himself, not the Christian, can provide the evidence, which he does on his own terms.
Well that is just your biases...
Because a God is supernatural any probability assigned to it existing is as arbitrary as any other.
Obviously, if the P=1/3^^^^^3 then it would be absurd to see biogenesis or biological complexity as evidence for God. But if the P =0.01 then I, for one, see it as very strong evidence.
I see no reason to prefer theism vs. atheism and I consider an extraordinarily low P to be biased towards atheism, but if that rocks your boat, have fun.
That I am irriational and delusional is highly probable, in fact I am sure of it. But I have no choice but to trust my own faulty brain.
I would certainly not consider you rational if you were to convert to Christianity solely based on reading my story on the internetz.