“Expecto Patronum”, at which point Death-Eaters will fire an utterly futile barrage of AKs. Voldy still can’t fire directly at Harry due to resonance. Gun is not as much concern if you move fast enough and considering Voldy is some distance away. Gives Harry enough elbow room to get to his nearby (?) Pouch, Cloak and Time-Turner with 1 more hour on it. At this point we’re sorta free of any serious constraints.
And the entire HPMOR fanbase has just now googled the concept. Promotion of ideas is what HPMOR’s purpose is, after all.
Perfect mathematical reflection, free of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem.
checkable partial execution traces with cryptographically strong bounds on honest vs fraudulent work
You may want to talk to these guys: http://www.scipr-lab.org/pub (SNARKs for C)
And to me as well, in due time.
I quit my job for one that I’m much less comfortable with, but with more room for long-term improvement.
In your face, risk aversion!
Assuming somebody would want to take over a bankrupt company with liabilities as nasty as not-quite-dead humans. The liabilities of a bankrupt cryo company would vastly exceed the assets. Also, you can’t get rid of those liabilities, not even part of them, in any way which isn’t a PR disaster.
Frozen people are liabilities, not assets.
Interesting. I’ll look into that when/if I have some free time. In the meantime, may I suggest gamifying this at some point? Let MIRI organize a programming competition in Botworld, preferably with prizes. If this plays well, you’ll get a lot of attention from some highly skilled hackers and maybe some publicity.
A simple loop can alter a sizable fraction of the ‘world’ within short time. Thus no complex analysis of opponents never pays off (except for tests like ‘is some opponent at this address’).
It’s not because a simple loop can alter a lot of space. It’s because Core Wars world is crowded both in space and time. Make agents start a lightyear away from each other and/or make a communication/energy/matter bottleneck and all of a sudden it pays off to do a complex code analysis of your opponent!
I was going to start my comment by pointing out the silliness of your real estate system. Namely, that if people/society were really that fast to adapt, they would almost all work remotely by now. But on second thought, I think this part was actually intended as April Fools material.
Then I was going to say that the BDSM reference is somewhat distasteful, at least to some people. Not to mention it smells of internet exhibitionism, even if untrue. You could easily pick something better overall.
Then I’d say that while your education and medical care ideas are good, they fail to account for the world-as-it-is. It’s easy to imagine a world-as-it-should-be, especially if you assume that people/society are different. It’s not enough. You have to design a smooth transition from a world-as-it-is to the world-as-it-should-be.
I’d finish by saying that I don’t agree with you that the April Fools excuse will let you get away with as much as you think, especially not in the minds of people outside of LW. This post lowers my estimate of your sanity waterline and I’m accustomed to your writing. Linking here from bloody everywhere was a mistake.
Instead of elaborating on the above, I’ll say this: Eliezer, you really need to get your ego below your IQ.
They are somewhat high on the list of top black swan events, however.
Thank you. I asked because I don’t understand other people’s attraction to personal details like this. Nothing specific to Satoshi or bitcoin.
(This has, incidentally, been a good reminder of why I don’t post my Satoshi research publicly, and generally limit my comments to debunking proposals.)
If you don’t mind sharing, what was the reason for research, besides curiosity?
demirationalist—on one hand, something already above average, like in demigod. On the other, leaves the “not quite there” feeling. My second best was epirationalist
Didn’t find anything better in my opinion, but in case you want to give it a (somewhat cheap) shot yourself… I just looped over this
I think I disagree. System 1 doesn’t care about any particular identity nor any particular action. It cares about general, somewhat vague emotions. To use one of you examples: system 1 will not care about watching TV all day. It will care about relax and entertainment. It will be equally happy if you play relaxing and entertaining computer games instead … and you could pick those compatible with the “growth mindset”
You guys left one possible loophole: Does “tanks will be involved in combat” mean actually firing shells?
Ture, not yet, at least. Would you agree though, that this could easily escalate out of proportion?
It seems to me that the odds look so grave to you because you gloss over several steps during this potential escalation.
Have a look at this: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-02-28/ukraine-acting-president-says-russia-starts-aggression-against-country-russian-plane Original source: http://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2014/02/28/7016674/
Posturing or not, if this info checks out then by existing treaties USA and UK are obliged to help Ukraine against Russia. You see, Ukraine gave up nukes in exchange for safety guarantees from Russia, UK and USA.
Before voting on accession, Ukraine demanded from Russia, the USA, France and the United Kingdom a written statement that these powers undertook to extend the security guarantees to Ukraine. Instead security assurances to Ukraine (Ukraine published the documents as guarantees given to Ukraine[5]) were given on 5 December 1994 at a formal ceremony in Budapest (known as the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances[6]), may be summarized as follows: Russia, the UK and the USA undertake to respect Ukraine’s borders in accordance with the principles of the 1975 CSCE Final Act, to abstain from the use or threat of force against Ukraine, to support Ukraine where an attempt is made to place pressure on it by economic coercion, and to bring any incident of aggression by a nuclear power before the UN Security Council.
Of course more likely then not we’ll find out once again that treaties and words aren’t worth anything unless you have the upper hand… but this looks scary enough to me.
A skeptic doubts the senses give actual evidence, they doubt math …
How many skeptics walk off the cliff expecting to continue walking? If you’re skepticism is of the purely theoretical kind “sure, I doubt everything, but God (heh) forbid me act on these doubts” then I cannot help you either.
Besides, that’s cherry-picking circularities. Let’s go meta: don’t you doubt your doubts? If you claim you can’t calculate or measure the level of anything real because “that’s axioms”, what makes doubt in math/physics weaker than doubt in doubt in math/physics? And if none is weaker then the other, why don’t walk off the cliff?
Wearing the Patronus isn’t any more dubious than casting it inside of Hermione to revive her. You’re right about stunners instead of AKs of course, but that can be blocked by a thin invisible tranfigured shield (air into glass, since apparently he can transfigure arbitrary atomic structures). Transfiguration is wordless and he has a wand. I mean, this isn’t anywhere near as deus-ex-machina as half of the Azkaban escape anyway.