Phrasing it like that is likely to get closed as well, the Stack Exchange sites are strongly focused on Q&A, not discussions, so to avoid the question being closed you usually need to ask something that can have a ‘correct’ answer.
I’ve had a go at quick answer to maybe get a bit of discussion started (well, more detailed answers that aren’t quite as poor).
Good question. I have a recurring direct donation set-up, but maybe donating via the Facebook page will make it more interesting for my friends to have a deeper look (and maybe donate).
Does anyone know what % of the donation via the causes app goes to the charity? I’m guessing it’s not 100%, so I’m wondering if that x% is worth it to have it announced on Facebook. Although I could just announce it myself, I think I’ll do that next time my donation happens.
[Link] Skeptics Stack Exchange
person A wanted X level of neatness and was uncomfortable at Y level, and person B wanted Y level of neatness and was uncomfortable at X level.
I’ve had a similar experience of somebody wanting a (small) amount of mess. The explanation was that if a house didn’t look ‘lived it’ it wasn’t really home, and therefore not a conformable place to live.
Maybe it was “Once you can guess what your answer will be, you have probably already decided.” from Hold Off On Proposing Solutions
Those of you that aren’t in the US, but wanted to donate to this: you can still donate via PayPal using - so if you were going to donate something, don’t let living out of the US stop you.
You can also choose to donate more than a dollar this way, if you want to.
On your Android phone, open ‘Market.’
Search for ‘Anki’.
Install the ‘AnkiDroid Flashcards’ app.
Only makes a slight difference, but you can also install apps via the Market website, so you can give a direct link to the AnkiDroid Flashcards app. However, it does depend on the version of Android you’re running for remote installs.
Since I started listening to interesting and/or entertaining things, I really enjoy my commute. I usually get through two books each month (I have an Audible subscription) and several podcasts, along with other talks etc. that I stumble across on the interwebs.
Last time I moved home I made sure my new place wouldn’t be too close to work (either by walking, or cycling). Granted, there’s probably other ways I could achieve the same result, but this is nice way of combining regular mild exercises with learning that also means I get to save money on rent by not living right in the middle of the city.
I liked the original joke, and have told it many times in the past. I also find this sentence quite funny:
Like asking someone in a suit how come he’s wearing a suit and he answers “because I bought one and put it on”.
Over-correct your opinion by reading propaganda
You could also try creating your own propaganda (also useful for Akrasia). You should have a good idea of the types of things that motivate you, so you can use that knowledge to make very focused adverts (e.g. basic posters) for yourself.
There’s more on this kind of thing, advertising to yourself, over at - but it looks like it hasn’t been updated in a while.
For those who haven’t heard the whole thing:
I agree with other commenters that suggest getting a new place be your top priority.
You could try geting somewhere close enough to work that you can jog (or cycle) there and back each day. That should get you your exercise and appreciate-the-outdoors-warm-fuzzies, as well as saving you the cost of a gym membership.
To save folks from Googling it: (PDF file, 15 pages)
I was reminded of this post by a blog article I’ve just read: - it covers the same topic, but I think it presents it in an easier-to-grasp way for folks who aren’t actively trying to be more rational.
And I’ve just found a similar idea with Rejection Therapy via the Marginal Revolution blog.
Fear of failure. (Fail at something and make no excuses).
This reminds me of an idea to try failing on purpose to overcome this.
Here’s a longer (1h 16m) version of his TED talk he gave at Google:
The more polished TED version is kind of a summary of this talk.
I’ve been using Swype for a while, and was very impressed with it. It did make a big improvement when I got the hang of it.
SwiftKey is also very good when you’re writing a lot of text on your phone. I currently switch between the two of them, depending on what I’m going to be writing.
This is almost always the case with warning labels (such as the silica gel example), I don’t recall ever seeing a warning label that also told you why it was warning you.
This reminds of a recent post over at Meteuphoric: Don’t warn nonspecifically!