Why? A human body without a meaningful nervous system inside of it isn’t a morally relevant entity, and it could be used to save people who are morally relevant.
Isn’t that what I just said? Not sure whether or not we disagree. I’m saying that if you just stunt the growth of the prefrontal cortex, maybe you can argue that this makes the person much less conscious or something, but that’s not remotely enough for this to not be abhorrent with a nonnegligible probability; but if you prevent almost all of the CNS from growing in the first place, maybe this is preferable to xenochimeric organs.
If I imagine myself growing up blind, and then I learned that my parents had engineered my genome that way, I would absolutely see that as a boundary violation and a betrayal of bedrock civility.
Fair enough, I think I would too. As I argued in the article, this is one mechanism by which the long-term results of genomic liberty are supposed to be good: children whose parents made genomic choices that weren’t prohibited but maybe should have been, can speak out, both to convince other people to not make those choices, and to get new laws made.
But if you mean something stronger, “would turn down sight if it were offered for free”, it seems obvious to me that any blind person expressing that view has something seriously wrong in their head in addition to the blindness,
Ok. And does this opinion of yours cause you to believe that if given the chance, you ought to use state power to, say, involuntarily sterilize such a person?
We don’t let adults abuse children in any other way, even if the adult was subject to the same sort of abuse as a child and says they approve of it.
We do let adults coerce their children in all sorts of ways. It’s considered bad to not force your child to attend school, which causes very many children significant trauma, including myself. Corporal punishment of children is legal in the US. I think it’s probably quite bad for parents to do that, but we don’t prohibit it.
We may have uncertainty about whether a particular person we can conceptualize will actually come to exist in the future, but if they do come to exist in the future, then they aren’t hypothetical even now.
I agree with this morally, but not as strongly in ethical terms, which is why I listed it under ethics (maybe politically/legally would have been more to the point though).
So it absolutely does make sense to have laws to protect future people just as much as current people.
Not just as much, no, I don’t think so. Laws aren’t about making things better in full generality; they’re about just resolution of conflict, solving egregious collective action problems, protecting liberty from large groups—stuff like that.
Blind people don’t strike me as a “type of person” in the relevant sense. A blind person is just a person who is damaged in a particular way, but otherwise they are the same person they would be with sight.
That’s nice. I bet we could find lots of examples of people with some condition that you would argue should be prohibited from propagating in this way, and who you’d describe as “just a person who is damaged in a particular way”, and who would object to the state imposing itself on their procreative liberty. Are you disagreeing with this statement? Or are you saying that the state should impose itself anyway?
Such people are monsters. They are the enemy. Depriving them of the power to effectuate their goals is a moral crusade worth making enormous sacrifices for.
Ok. So to check, you’re saying that a world with far fewer total blind / deaf / dwarf people, and with far greater total health and capability for nearly literally everyone including the blind / deaf / dwarfs, is not worth there being a generation of a few blind kids whose parents chose for them to be blind? That could be your stance, but I want to check that I understand that that’s what you’re saying. If so, could you expand? Would you also endorse forcibly sterilizing currently living people with high-heritability blindness, who intend to have children anyway?
If you are concerned the politics of advancing genetic engineering, suggesting that it might be ok seems like a blunder
Not sure what you mean by “ok” here. I would strongly encourage parents to not make this decision, I’d advocate for clinics to discourage parents from making this decision, I wouldn’t object to professional SROs telling clinicians to not offer this sort of service, and possibly I’d advocate for them to do so. I don’t think it’s a good decision to make. I also think it should not be prohibited by law.
Not sure why you’re saying “causality” here, but I’ll try to answer: I’m trying to construct an agreement between several parties. If the agreement is bad, then it doesn’t and shouldn’t go through, and we don’t get germline engineering (or get a clumsy, rich-person-only version, or something).
Many parties have worries that route through game-theory-ish things like slippery slopes, e.g. around eugenics. If the agreement involves a bunch of groups having their reproduction managed by the state, this breaks down simple barriers against eugenics. I suppose you might dismiss such worries, but I think you’re probably wrong to do so—there is actually significant overlap between your apparent stances and the stances of eugenicists, though arguably there’s a relevant distinction where you’re thinking of harming children rather than social burdens, not sure. The overlap is that you think the state should make a bunch of decisions about individuals’s reproduction according to what the state thinks is good, even if the individuals would strongly object and the children would have been fine.
So, first of all, I’m just not sufficiently sure that it’s wrong to make your future child blind. I think it’s wrong, but that’s not a good enough reason to impose my will on others. Maybe in the future we could learn more such that we decide it is wrong, but I don’t think that’s happened yet. But if we’re talking about forcibly erasing a type of person, it’s not remotely enough to be like “yeah I did the EV calculation, being my way is better”. For reference, certainly the state should prevent a parent from blinding their 5 year old; but the 5 year old is now a person. I acknowledge that the distinction is murky, but I think it’s silly to ignore the distinction. Being already alive does matter.
Second of all, it’s not just blind people. It’s all the categories I listed and more. Are you going to tell gay people that they can’t make their future child gay? Yeah? No? What about high-functioning autists? ADHD? Highly creative, high-functioning mild bipolar? How are you deciding? What criterion? Do you trust the state with this criterion? Should other people?