I personally just think that everyone should be given the same chance to live a long and happy life. I don’t think anyone should be “privileged” enough to live longer than anyone else, simply because they have the financial means to do so.
I do think societies are optimized for their average inhabitant lifespan. If a group of “super humans” came about, I think that they’d be met with extreme opposition from other “normal” people. If you’ve ever read a history boook, or watched the news, then you’re already aware of the numerous examples prejudice (that often lead to violence/genocide) for those who are different, be it ethnicity, creed, gender, or sexual preference.
Probably, I wouldn’t want to go around being the “freakishly immortal” male, I imagine it’d reduce my chances of finding adequate mates, and/or fitting into society. As irrational as that sounds, I quite like being social/normal.
I don’t understand. Are you saying that if an exactly replica of my brain was created, then it wouldn’t be me? If that’s the case, then why sign up for cryonics?