I think that Theo. 2 of your paper, in a sense, produces only non-standard models. Am I correct?
Here is my reasoning:
If we apply Theo. 2 of the paper to a theory T containing PA, we can find a sentence G such that “G ⇔ Pr(“G”)=0″ is a consequence of T. (“Pr” is the probability predicate inside L’.)
If P(G) is greater than 1/n (I use P to speak about probability over the distribution over models of L’), using the reflection scheme, we get that with probability one, “Pr(“G”)>1/n” is true. This means that with probability one, G is false, a contradiction. We deduce that P(G)=0.
Using the reflection scheme and that, for all n, P(G)0, which as shown above is false.
From the last two sentences, with probability one, inside of the model, there is a strictly positive number smaller than 1/n for any standard integer n: the value of Pr(“G”).
It might be interesting to see if we can use this to show that Theo. 2 cannot be done constructively, for some meaning of “constructively”.
I agree with your guess and I think that I see a way of proving it.
Let us make the same assumptions as in Theo. 2 and assume that T contains PA.
Let G be any sentence of L’. We can build a second sentence G2 such that “G2 ⇔ ( G and (Pr(G and G2)< p))” for P(G)/3< p <2P(G)/3, using diagonalization. From this and the reflection scheme, it should be possible to prove that P(G and G2) and P(G and not G2) are both smaller than (2/3)P(G).
Repeating the argument above, we can show that any complete theory in L’ must have vanishing probability and therefore every model must also have vanishing probability.