A stupid question, maybe, but:
I assume that if I want to get better at writing, I’ll have to get better at editing and revising.
However, how do I get better at writing if I don’t have anything to say?
Do I — and this task is likely underspecified/underdescribed — spend hours polishing turds?
I can tell that this is a game being shown on ESPN between the New York Mets and the Milwaukee Brewers. I also think that the earlier estimation of winning is 50⁄50 in the first picture and 61⁄39 (favoring Milwaukee) in the second picture even though all the numbers around MIL are lower than the numbers around NYM.
I have no idea what to make of the “Live Money Line” part in the first picture.
For those of us who are interested in betting in the abstract but know nearly nothing about sports betting, would you explain what the picture is showing?