Exactly ZERO.
Zero is not a probability! You cannot be infinitely certain of anything!
Nobody knows what’s “friendly” (you can have “godly” there, etc. - with more or less the same effect).
By common usage in this subculture, the concept of Friendliness has a specific meaning-set attached to it that implies a combination of 1) a know-it-when-I-see-it isomorphism to common-usage ‘friendliness’ (e.g. “I’m not being tortured”), and 2) A deeper sense in which the universe is being optimized by our own criteria by a more powerful optimization process. Here’s a better explanation of Friendliness than the sense I can convey. You could also substitute the more modern word ‘Aligned’ with it.
Worse, it may easily turn out that killing all humanimals instantly is actually the OBJECTIVELY best strategy for any “clever” Superintelligence.
I would suggest reading about the following:
Paperclip Maximizer Orthogonality Thesis The Mere Goodness Sequence. However, in order to understand it well you will want to read the other Sequences first. I really want to emphasize the importance of engaging with a decade-old corpus of material about this subject.
The point of these links is that there is no objective morality that any randomly designed agent will naturally discover. An intelligence can accrete around any terminal goal that you can think of.
This is a side issue, but your persistent use of the neologism “humanimal” is probably costing you weirdness points and detracts from the substance of the points you make. Everyone here knows humans are animals.
Most probably the problem will not be artificial intelligence, but natural stupidity.
I find it funny people think questions about the Chinese Room argument or induction are obvious, tangential, or silly. xD
Anyway: What is the best algorithm for deciding between careers?
(Rule 1: Please don’t say the words “consult 80,000 Hours” or “Use the 80K decision tool!” That is analogous to telling an atypically depressed person to “read a book on exercise and then go out and do things!” Like, that’s really not a helpful thing, since those people are completely booked (they didn’t respond to my application despite my fitting their checkboxes). Also I’ve been to two of their intro workshops.)
I want to know what object-level tools, procedures, heuristics etc. people here recommend for deciding between careers. Especially if one feels conflicted between different choices. Thanks! :)