Hi, it’s Terry again (one of the researchers on the project)
The interesting thing (for me) isn’t that it can shift from task to task, but that it can shift from task to task just like the human brain. In other words, we’re showing how a realistic neural system can shift between tasks. That’s something that’s not found in other neural models, where you tend to either have it do one task or you have external (non-neural) systems modify the model for different tasks. We’re showing a way of doing that selecting routing and control in an entirely neural way that maps nicely onto the cortex-basal ganglia-thalamus loop.
Oh, and, since we constrain the model with a bunch of physical parameters influencing the timing of the system (reabsorption of neurotransmitter, mostly), we can also look at how long it takes the system to switch tasks, and compare that to human brains. It’s these sorts of comparisons that let us use this sort of model to test hypotheses about what different parts of the brain are doing.
Yup, I’d say that’s a fair way of expressing it, although I think we take “neural substrate that is structurally similar to the human brain” much more seriously than other people that use phrases like that. It’s a similar enough substrate that if fixes a lot of our parameter values for us, leaving us less open to “fiddle with parameters until it works”.
We’ve also tried to make sure to highlight that it can’t learn new tasks, so it’s not able to work in the fluid domains people do. It also doesn’t have any intrinsic motivation to do that switching.
Interestingly, there are starting to be good non-neural theories of human task switching (e.g. [http://act-r.psy.cmu.edu/publications/pubinfo.php?id=831] ). These are exactly the sorts of theories we want to take a close look at and see how they could be realistically implemented in spiking neurons.