if anyone runs a photoshop contest on what a Japanese/Klingon culture would look like, do notify me.
Here, I’ll give you a thought experiment to get you started: Whorrf wearing a Hello Kitty outfit.
It would not be hard to read SF stories/movies as a reflection of how the US-Soviet relationships were—how tense the Cold War was. During dentente, one gets cuddly aliens like ET. During more tense periods one gets The Thing, or Invasion of the Pod People.
I also wouldn’t read too much into why Star Trek aliens look like people in rubber suits. After all, the “transporter” was done as a cost savings as they could not afford the budget to use the “shuttlecraft” in every episode. While $300k/episode doesn’t get you much these days, back in the 1960s it was a budget buster. And after all, Kirk kissing Uhura was the first interracial kiss on US TV—and it almost got that show cancelled as well.
It would not be hard to read SF stories/movies as a reflection of how the US-Soviet relationships were—how tense the Cold War was. During dentente, one gets cuddly aliens like ET. During more tense periods one gets The Thing, or Invasion of the Pod People.
I also wouldn’t read too much into why Star Trek aliens look like people in rubber suits. After all, the “transporter” was done as a cost savings as they could not afford the budget to use the “shuttlecraft” in every episode. While $300k/episode doesn’t get you much these days, back in the 1960s it was a budget buster. And after all, Kirk kissing Uhura was the first interracial kiss on US TV—and it almost got that show cancelled as well.