Pokemon is a game literally made to be played and beaten by children. Six years old might be pushing the lower bound, but it didn’t become one of the largest gaming and entertainment franchises in the world by being too difficult to play for children, whom the game is designed for.
Yes, kids get stuck and they do use extra resources like searching up info on game guides (old man moment, before the internet you had to find a friend who had the physical version and would let you borrow or look at it). But is the ability to search the internet the bottleneck that prevents Claude from getting past Mt. Moon in under 50 hours? That does not seem likely. In fact giving it access to the internet where it can get even more lost with potentially additional useless or irrelevant information could make the problem worse.
This can apply to humans as well. If you apologize for some terrible thing you did to another person long enough ago that they’ve put it out of their immediate memory, and then apologize at this later time, it can drag up those old memories and wounds. The act of apologizing can be selfish, and cause more harm than the apologizer would intend.