Hmmmm. While I enjoyed reading this, I do tend to think it’s fairly overtly political and attacks specifically the outgroup we all mostly dislike.
Downvoting as politics is the mind killer + simplifying ideologies you oppose and creating a fictional narrative where they’re taken to ludicrous extremes in not a particularly epistemically good thing to do.
So when I read this post I initially thought it was good. But on second thought I don’t think I actually get that much from it. If I had to summarise it, I’d say
a few interesting anecdotes about experiments where measurement was misleading or difficult
some general talk about “low bit experiments” and how hard it is to control for cofounders
The most interesting claim I found was the second law of experiment design. To quote: “The Second Law of Experiment Design: if you measure enough different stuff, you might figure out what you’re actually measuring.”. But even here I didn’t get much clarity or new info. The argument seemed to boil down to “If you measure more things, you may find the actual underlying important variable”, which is true I guess but doesn’t seem particularly novel and also introduces other risks. e.g: That the more variables you measure the higher the chance that at least some of them will correlate just due to chance. There’s a pointer to a book which the author claims sheds more light on the topic and on modern statistical methods around experiment design more generally, but that’s it.
I think I also have a broader problem here, namely that the article feels a bit fuzzy in a way that makes it hard to pin down what the central claims are.
So yeah, I enjoyed it but on reflection I’m a bit less of a fan than I thought.