Hello, me and a friend were planning to get involved in the meetup, however as I expect you to be rather difficult to distinguish I’d prefer some way to be able to find you lot. If I am outside Ideon Alpha building, on the west side, at 12:15 thursday wearing a tie and a portal bag, would I be correct in the belief that someone will locate me and direct me to the meet up?
Turns out quantum mechanics is much too great a challenge at the moment. I wish both other LWers a good day, and shall do my best to attend the next meeting instead—there is still interest from my part.
I’ll gladly meet up, just to see what people there are that have seen Lesswrong before. However, you may need to be more specific on location. I am 22, skinny and with long brown silky hair. We’re not much different from the norm.
I went from being dead set on physics to a joined major of math and physics, following up with a master in math in a while, and instead of thinking “I should learn programming some time”, I am currently sitting at a lecture in Python. Had I not encountered lesswrong, I would have been a quirky, regular physicist who lives their life, thinking of some Big Questions, but not actually coming to an answer. I would also not have become atheist quite as quickly. I intend to keep being less wrong in the future, and I’ve seen results—positive, as well as negative due to what some people consider too much honesty. But all in all, I have improved my odds of reaching my goals.
I’ve contemplated testing it, a few times. If you do not mind facing a complete newb, I might be up for it, given some preparation and discussion beforehand. Just PM me and we can discuss it.
Do you have a deadline for when you have to move out, or when to have a solid plan? I’ll likely know if I have a position or not before wednesday, and there’s plenty of living around the university area, in case you want to look at things yourself. I’ll have to say likewise—you seem like a decent person, and I’m sure it is, as I’m indeed very flexible. I’ll update you if I find anything relevant.
I am currently looking for job around the british isles, currently aiming at Belfast. If I find a good job, and an affordable place, shared, I could message you, if you like? We sound reasonably similar (and why, I AM a mentally odd person who likes living with other people!). Or, if that is prefered, if you’re considering moving to Sweden, I’d do my best to assist you. Always easier with a local contact.
hug is essentially what I can do as well. I have some experience with this (age 19, depression for the last 2,5 years), and the professionals I’ve talked with have been very understanding and adaptable to how I think (cognitive behavorial therapy for the win), so I think you should at least talk to one if you find yourself on the verge again. For what it’s worth, what I use when I feel really terrible is the internet for reasons life is still awesome enough. Cracked has something like this, though this might only work for me. And I support moving this to Discussion if you want a better chance of help. But if you just want to talk, I’m up for that, too. Just drop me a message.
Anyway, I don’t think I can do more for you except say that every life lost is a tragedy, and you’re the kind of person the world would definitely be worse without.
I’d actually put you in “for”, as you’re favouring a suggestion that raises prices and lower consumption. For this I’d say effect is more central than opinion. And no, it wouldn’t lower it much—on average just under 7 percents, but it’d reduce health care costs as well.
It’s one of the more effective ways of lowering consumption. It’s not the problem drinkers that cause the worst effect though—it’s the casual drinkers that cause the most damage (for example by overestimating themselves and driving). Taxes would still work on most groups, so yes, it definitely counts.
I’ve never noticed it used as an excuse, and to me that seems a lot like saying “I was biased!”, to cast away blame. Though I have a different frame of reference—here you’re accountable for anything you do, sober or drunk, including making mistakes/looking incompetent. Where is the line drawn where you can just shrug off any blame? I can’t think of any rational reason to want to drink, then, unless you want to… Act incompetently and get away with it? Is this then a good thing?
I agree on the placebo bit, anyway.
I’ve had enough experience to compare interactions with and without alcohol, and I’ve noticed it’s much more difficult to connect with anyone who’s been drinking, even if I’ve also been. Merely personal, but with no alcohol in my regular life, I still gain friends easily, now having gained far above my Dunbar’s Number. Have you tested if it actually is more difficult if all parties are sober?
I’m against this particular one, since as a placebo, something lacking the negative effects while achieving the positive placebo effects would be much more awesome.
I’m curious about the general stance towards alcohol, from Lesswrong. It (1) lowers the quality of life, and life expectancy (3rd highest cause of preventable death in the US), for almost all people drinking, or closely linked to people who drink, (2) costs a fair bit (The money spent per year in europe on alcohol-related damages could fund a manned mission to mars), (3) and offers little to no positive effects (Only proven short-term effects are temporary loss of motor control and some brain functions like balance and memory, anything else seems to be a placebo).
So, I’d like to know if you’re for or against limiting alcohol (through laws lowering sales, altering public opinion etc.) and why.
Here, we fight for as long and happy lives as possible for as many as possible, no? Just imagine how bad your life is if you ACTIVELY want to reduce your lifespan. An experienced negative QALY. So I say worse. It’s one of the most horrible things you could ever experience. I’ve heard it said that a life barely worth living, is still worth living, here. So, a life not worth living...
As there seems to be no evidence pointing to deadly diseases, AI, or anything on that particular day, I’m of the opinion that the closest thing to an apocalypse will be rioting due to the fact that we are scared. The earth won’t explode or anything (likely) but I’ll still be staying indoors to avoid the potential insanity. It’ll be just like friday 13, only bigger.
I was basing it on what this seemed to be aimed at—single males in working age with nothing keeping them anywhere else. For younger people, you’re right, it’s great—my education has so far not cost me a thing, including uni, they’re supposed to build more student corridors, and it’s a really calm city. Sweden has free healthcare, and great welfare in general.
Update: Wonderful for people up to 25, fairly meh for working age, but there’s a larger city within commute range (20 minutes by train), so it’s definitely not too bad. But I’ve yet to hear of anyone with any considerable wealth being from here.
Lund, Sweden—despite not living here that long, just a few months, I’ve gotten a good grip of it. Pros: Massive university that serves as an intellectual meetingplace, everything from feminism to transhumanism in unofficial lectures, a particle accelerator is being built if you’re into that kind of thing, and it’s possible to get EVERYWHERE with a bike.
Cons: Difficult to get anywhere fast with a car, the weather can be less than enjoyable, housing prices are fairly high and we might be heading for an economical crash soon, and it would likely seem quite different moving here from outside europe.
In short: Economical value low, cultural value high.
Inspiring words. Something I wish I would be able to write if such a fate ever befell me. I didn’t really know who you were before, but now, you’re among those I’d like to emulate whenever life gets hard. Best of luck with your life. Keep fighting.
Misclicking like a madman today, Transitional species, Winston Rowntree is one massive, awesome quote. Only one part wouldn’t do it justice, unfortunately.
I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again—this is mild cult behavior.
… That being said, bring on the low cost gratification! I’ve taken the survey!