Good news! We’ll be coordinating with the Ottawa Petrov Day to do Hardcore Mode A-minus—we’ll get a button that destroys the other party’s Petrov cake.
And 22! Great turnout!
And also 23 but no second sign :-(
We’re there at table 13 now! Hope to see you!
Had to move to Jitsi. If anyone’s still trying to join, go here.
My favorite one: burning wood for heat. Better than fossil fuels for the GW problem, but really bad for local air quality.
How about having both this and a Utility article be parents/prerequisites of Expected utility formalism; then, you could have
Utility → Marginal Utility → Supply and Demand
(Or maybe have utility and marginal utility be the same?)
I was guessing because it doesn’t explicitly say what “meta” would mean here, and based my guess partly on the expected semantic space covered by “meta” (roughly, doubling the problem back on itself), and partly on my assumption of the kinds of simple solutions I would expect to be ruled out. My vision of a “simple, meta” solution is thus “brute-force an understanding-free model of a human and take that with you” (which would thus require the model to be”low level” and not find the obvious high level regularities that can’t be brute forced).
Hope that clarified how I came up with that, but in any case, an explicit definition would help, as would a prequisite on “meta solutions”.
I wish this fleshed out what is meant by the “non-meta solution” criterion. I took it to mean solutions that involve creating a low-level model (neuronal/molecular) of a human that the AI could run and keep querying, but I’m not sure that’s right.
To your alternative approaches I would also add Bruce Schneier’s advice in Cryptographic Engineering, where he talks a little about the human element in dealing with clients. It’s similar to the Socratic approach, in that you ask about a possible flaw rather than argue it exists.
Bad: “that doesn’t work. Someone can just replay the messages.”
Good: “what defenses does this system have against replay attacks?”
Case in point: the weather.
Why is a mere statement of contradiction voted up to five? Something I’m missing here? I could understand if it was Clippy and there was some paperclip related subtext that took a minute to “get” but …
Admittedly no one’s ever been charged under the ADA, but there are plenty of examples of people being disciplined for violating it.
Thinking about your experiments does not (in itself) involve expenditure of government money, so I don’t see how they would prosecute you under the ADA for that. Yes, managers have to be very clear to workers not to use resources, just to keep them away from edge cases, but even with that level of overcaution, managers can’t actually stop you.
Even if you came back and (for some reason) said, “Hey boss, I totally thought about this experiment from the couch when the shutdown was going on”, they still don’t have grounds unless you were using up resources. Now, they could fire you just for the defiance (maybe), but if they’re that trigger-happy in the first place, then …
… and that is what being a big fish in a small pond feels like ;-) That is, most of them there won’t even make it that far. At least, that was my experience.
(My approach was the cruder one of just taking a remainder modulo max size after each operation.)
C-style integers = integers with a fixed possible range of values and the corresponding rollover—that is, if you get a result too big to be stored in that fixed size, it rolls over from the lowest possible value.
Ruby doesn’t implement that limitation. It implements integers through Fixnum and Bignum. The latter is unbounded. The former is bounded but (per the linked doc) automatically converted to the latter if it would exceed its bounds.
Even if it did, it’s still useful as an exercise: get a class to respond to addition, etc operations the same way that a C integer would. (And still something most participants will have trouble with.)
+1 for a (+1 for acknowledging the inconvenient) on a subject you dislike discussion of.
Depends on what you intend to get out of it, but you can go to an amateur hack night (“we’re going to implement C-style integers in Ruby”, “we’re going to implement simulated annealing)”, where almost everyone but you will have trouble conceptualizing the problem.
Non-thinking-of-customers-as-fish is not a business plan.
Work expands to fill the available time.
For anyone who found the event here, this is the mobile-friendly version of the program.