“That’s weird” is a colloquialism for “I notice that I am confused.” Saying so is an important intermediate step towards understanding… or so I’ve heard. Once you understand, then weirdness is a non-issue—you are no longer confused.
Karma: 6
Eliezer’s model:
The Medical Establishment is always right.
Information given:
Person is feeling chest pain.
Paramedics say hospitalization is unnecessary.
Possible scenarios mentioned in the story:
Person is feeling chest pain and is having a heart attack.
Person is feeling chest pain but does not need to be hospitalized.
Person is lying.
Between the model and the information given, only Scenario 1 can be ruled false; Scenarios 2 and 3 are both possible. If Eliezer is going to beat himself up for not knowing better, it should be because Scenario 3 did not occur to him—not that Scenario 3 is the logical reality.