Not at all. I will be glad to move on to a more open minded forum which doesn’t engage in ad hominem attacks.
It doesn’t kill GR—it is the foundation. It just adds torsion to curvature, and that changes almost everything. What I am suggesting is that your question is about a theory that is no longer relevant if ECE is correct (which I have come to believe over a number of years). To go deeper, you do have to go do the maths, but they are not that hard.
So I was trying to gently get you to look in a different direction which may have a higher payback for your time, and also predicts that there is no Higgs, which brought me to the blog in the first place. Your choice, of course. Lots of people are invested in the Standard Model.
I am losing my touch...only 68? See below
All this becomes superfluous with correct maths. In any case, if the Higgs is NOT found, particle theory as we know it is in trouble. Thats my bet.
And here is a link to a simpler unified theory that may point to the future:
This is a “history of thought” and high level description of the basic theory and some of its most important implications.
The mis-application of symmetry is key… in fact the Riemann connection is not is anti-symmetric, thus the Einstein field equation is wrong and much collapses from that result. So almost everyone in physics is using the wrong math. Riemann geometry needs to be supplemented. Einstein wasn’t wrong.. he had incredible insights. He just wasn’t totally correct, as even he knew.
- 3 Nov 2009 17:39 UTC; 2 points) 's comment on Open Thread: November 2009 by (
So I believe you are on the right track. There is, in fact, a very consistent, logical, and physical theory of physics with one set of equations which in different limits yields all four forces and explains and portends a great deal beyond that. So that is the only thing that makes sense...a unified theory and we have at least one.
Now, this theory is largely rejected/ignored by both the particle and string mainstream. Why? Its very very threatening to their funding and careers; and the math is difficult to attack, so they ignore.
So we are at a Khunian moment...the anomalies are accumulating to the point that a paradigm shift may be imminent.
Oh, and this theory says the Higgs or Higgses is/are impossible; short the Higgs!
A few other things disappear. Cosmology loses its black holes (that Schwartzchild metric isn’t exaclty right… the singularity disappears), dark matter, big bang, etc. So you can see how threatening this is...and exciting.
Ok. Well, I just don’t think its possible on this go through 800+ papers, 130+ in the last few years, which lead to this theory. I don’t have the time, and there is no indication that anyone here is open to it. Plus, I see no equation editor.
I’ll repeat. I responded to a Higgs Boson thread, saying I believe it does not exist, I referred to the theory supporting my belief, and I get trashed. Thats arrogant and close minded. And if I feel I have been ad hominemed, then I have.
If someone is as dissatisfied as I am with the output of Standard Model and string theories, they will seek out an alternative. And learn the math. I just pointed to what, after a four year analysis, I believe to be an extremely credible alternative.
So thanks for the consideration.