That’s lovely and all. But how is it that my question got voted down and this nothing response got voted up?
Is it because I refer to people in cryostasis as corpse popsicles?
Let’s be frank here the arguments for cryonics are positively flaccid. If what you are banking on is based on some set of technologies not yet invented, many not even thought up yet, with no large scale tests behind your claims then this is a matter of faith not science. This is trying to make the myth of the after-life not a myth.
Cryonics to date, at least the evidence, that these popsicle people will be revived from popsicle land, which is the flip side of Mr Rogers neighborhood, is essentially 98% hand waving and 2% sketchy evidence.
The last link you posted was especially unhelpful since I am inclined to discredit the source for reasons that I have already commented on.
Karma Encourages Group Think:
LW Karma system allows people to vote up or vote posts down based on good or usless reasons. Without it you cannot make high-level posts or vote idiotic comments or posts down.
Essentially Karma is the currency of popularity of LW. This being said I would wager that this encourages a group think attitude; because people have a strong motivation to get karma and not such a strong incentive to think for themselves and to question the group.
I would also posit that this kind of system causes a stagnation in ideas and thinking within the group. This is evident on LW with how many posts just seem to rehash old news.
Pearls before swine.