Sailor Vulcan

Karma: 91

I am Sailor Vulcan—champion of justice and reason! In the name of the Moon—uh, I mean...

Hi, I’m Harry. I’m a reader, writer and gamer with a passion for rationality and existential risk prevention. I sometimes jokingly compare my life to an intelligence explosion.

Also, I have a communication learning disability, so if I ever say or do anything to make you feel upset or uncomfortable feel free to let me know (although you don’t have to).

Why the AI Align­ment Prob­lem Might be Un­solv­able?

Sailor Vulcan24 Mar 2019 4:10 UTC
4 points
15 comments7 min readLW link

A Tale of Four Moralities

Sailor Vulcan24 Mar 2019 3:46 UTC
13 points
9 comments4 min readLW link

No Really, Why Aren’t Ra­tion­al­ists Win­ning?

Sailor Vulcan4 Nov 2018 18:11 UTC
38 points
90 comments5 min readLW link

Sub­junc­tive Tenses Un­nec­es­sary for Ra­tion­al­ists?

Sailor Vulcan7 Oct 2018 15:28 UTC
0 points
5 comments1 min readLW link