I am Sailor Vulcan—champion of justice and reason! In the name of the Moon—uh, I mean...
Hi, I’m Harry. I’m a reader, writer and gamer with a passion for rationality and existential risk prevention. I sometimes jokingly compare my life to an intelligence explosion.
Also, I have a communication learning disability, so if I ever say or do anything to make you feel upset or uncomfortable feel free to let me know (although you don’t have to).
1. On the deontology/virtue ethics vs consequentialism thing, you’re right I don’t know how I missed that, thanks!
1a. I’ll have to think about that a bit more.
2. Well, if we were just going off of the four moralities I described, then I already named two examples where two of those moralities are unable to converge: a pure flourishing maximizer wouldn’t want to mercy kill the human species, but a pure suffering minimizer would. A pure flourishing maximizer would be willing to have one person tortured forever if that was a necessary prerequisite for uplifting the rest of the human species into a transhumanist utopia. A suffering minimizer would not. Even if the four moralities I described only cover a small fraction of moral behaviors, then wouldn’t that still be a hard counterexample to the idea that there is convergence?
3. I think when you said “within the normal range of generally-respected human values”, I took that literally, meaning I thought it excluded values which were not in the normal range and not generally respected even if they are things like “reading Adult My Little Pony fanfiction”. Not every value which isn’t well respected or in the normal range would make the world a better place through its removal. I thought that would be self-evident to everyone here, and so I didn’t explain it. And then it looked to me like you were trying to justify the removal of all values which aren’t generally respected or within the normal range as being “okay”. So when you said ” Right now, there are no agents around (that we know of) whose values are entirely outside the range of human values, and we’re getting on OK.” I thought it was intended to be in support of the removal of all values which aren’t well respected or in the normal range. But if you’re trying to support the removal of niche values in particular, saying that current humans are getting along fine with their current whole range of values, which one would presume must include the niche values, does not make sense.
About to fall asleep, I’ll write more of my response later.