You are subject to inputs you do not perceive and you send outputs you are neither aware of nor intended to send. You cannot set your gravitational influence to zero, nor can you arbitrarily declare that you should not output “melting” as an action when dropped in lava. You communicate with reality in ways other than your input-output channels. Your existence as a physical fact predicated on the arrangement of your particles is relevant and not controllable by you. This leads you to safeguard yourself, rather than just asserting your unmeltability.
Hmm, getting downvoted for pointing out that Earth biology is effectively an AI running on Von Neumann machines, in a story whose premise is that Earthlings are the unfriendly AI-in-the-box. I have to revise some priors, I didn’t expect that of people.
No, it’s just that none of that really matters now, since rape has as much physical or mental consequence in this world as a high-five. They live in a world that went from joking about rape on 4chan to joking about it in the boardroom because everyone was 4chan.
What happened was genetic egalitarianism. Women are now just as strong as men, and have the same drives and urges as men, and are every bit the rapist as men. And men are now every bit the tease as women were… the scales are now even. And the physical consequences are meaningless. There’s no longer any threat of unwanted disease or pregnancy or even injury. There’s no reason to be mentally scarred by the action because this humanity knows better. why was it illegal? It doesn’t hurt anyone. In their age.
But the elders remember the hurt. And they screamed their rage and the history of profanity.
Call back with that comment when Running, rather than Intelligence, is what allows you to construct a machine that runs increasingly faster than you intended your artificial runner to run.
Because in a world where running fast leads to additional fastness of running, this thing is going to either destroy your world through kinetic release or break the FTL laws and rewrite the universe backwards to have always been all about running.
So the AI in the Box has to evolve and spawn otherselves to talk to and fuck like our own abiogenesis event. Not a problem.
When someone summons me from another dimension, they get a little bit of leeway to tell me it’s magic. Because at the very least it must be a sufficiently advanced technology, and until I know better the axiom of identity applies.
Worlds where the hero wins, really truly wins, have no more Dust and need no more heroes. Worlds where the hero loses, and the Dust claims all, are no more. Only in worlds where the coin stands on edge does the cycle repeat.
Let me change “noticing” to “caring” then. Thank you for the correction.
That makes Egan the thing Yudkowsky is the biggest fan of. It does not make Yudkowsky to be Egan’s biggest fan.
And having never taken the first pill, he’d be glad to lose it to take the second pill.
Which is, incidentally, why I would not recommend it happen very often. But I can’t control when people choose to be more wrong rather than less.
In the direct literal sense. It wasn’t a trick question. 2 + 2 =/= 7, while we’re at it.
And Ghandi spoke, “I will pay you a million dollars to invent a pill that makes me 1% more pacifist.”
The answer to “Friendly to who?” had damn well better always be “Friendly to the author and by proxy those things the author wants.” Otherwise leaving aside what it actually is friendly to, it was constructed by a madman.
SD SL PD PL Humans | X | X | 1 | 1 Babyeaters | 0 | Y | 0 | Z Superhappies | Y | 0 | Z | -Z
X= Ships unable to escape Huygens
Y= Ships in Babyeater Fleet
Z= Planets Babyeaters Have
That would make him wrong, then.
Morality is about the thriving of sentient beings.
There are in fact truths about that.
For example: Stabbing—generally a bad thing if the being is made of flesh and organs.
We close a feedback loop in which people believe that the universe acts in its own predictable way which is discoverable by science. Which causes the universe to actually be that way. And from then on it becomes unalterable because it no longer cares what anyone thinks. The real problem is that of morals. If the universe can be anything people want, then we had better hurry up and figure out what the best possible world actually is, and then get people to believe it to be that way before we lock it in place as actually being that way.
Oops, my apologies, then. I don’t actually come here all that often.