You mean the relative strengths of having money versus being a woman? I’m not seeing the division here.
What if your intent is to lose weight? You’re pre-defining “work” for the benefit of your argument.
Aside from the possibility that you had a bad breakup and you end up complaining for several minutes, which isn’t a good sign in a date. It raises the question of “What did those people find out about this person that I don’t know yet that it caused them to break up with them.”.
You might be interested to know that Style says roughly one out of twenty people who start to learn PUA reach a high level of skill.
I personally agree with Martin however; especially in relation to diets. Diets DO work, they are just difficult to implement, changing your lifestyle often is; that applies to exercise, studying a new language or anything that requires a large time investment before you see payoffs. The math comparison is especially appropriate. In this way PUA is no different from any other self improvement course that you might decide to undertake.
That would end pretty quickly. PUA tells you to drop a woman if she seems cagey about going out or you’re not making progress by the second date. It’s very much a numbers game, there are tens of thousands of unattached women in even the smallest city and on average, 4% are willing to do anything without any PUA skills being applied; if it’s not working out just give up and go find someone else.
You say it “seems like”. Do you play video games yourself? Not just one, but as a significant percentage of your time.
If there’s a tree, it might be Diablo 2 or Dragon Age.
Or in looking at it another way… we can change politics but choose not to. For example, a researcher at TED was explaining how politicians are far more receptive to written letters than any other method of communication; even to the point where a well written letter was enough to change their vote on a topic.
Failing that, we always joke about how special interest groups have enough money to get close to and negotiate with politicians. However; nothing stops any of us from starting our own group, taking donations and having our hired employees go to the capital and get our word in.
It sounds more and more like the monkey sphere is an argument for not bothering to do any of the things that could change the particular problems affecting us
You’re right Strange7, they’re not totally solved. However I think taw’s point has some merit. While the “Magic Bullet” didn’t completely solve it’s problem, it did ameliorate them to a huge degree. For example pre and post genetic-engineering farming is massively different… over 2 times as good. Doing the same for willpower would change society.
Yeah Alicorn, I noticed something similar with a few of the plastic bottles I’ve come across. Sometimes they taste weird, or smell funny or change the taste of what’s put in them. Hopefully whatever is leeching out of the bottles isn’t carcinogenic.
I’ve been told that the cost of deploying the fire department runs into several thousand; this would be a pretty nasty invoice to get in addition to fire damage. The insurance model makes it easier to pay.
Also, in that specific incidence, it wasn’t their fire-department. The township was getting fire services from the next station over; not their own. They had to pay monthly fees for this, so without a monthly payment, they wouldn’t be convincing those guys to maintain service.
I don’t have much experience with Lojban but the news that people use it in a similar way to current languages wouldn’t surprise me at all. I’ve noticed that a great deal of misunderstandings happen when one side is being vague on purpose because they don’t want to give up too much information.
That’s not the impression I got. The date ended up paying because Alicorn didn’t want to, and the date not paying would have led to fewer dates. She stated she was prepared to pay half, not prepared to pay full like her date was doing.
In the comment just next to mine, she says...
Which illustrates the reasoning behind PUA advice being to split the bill. It explicitly states that she should only bother spending time with you for your company. If the idea that you two would work out something that didn’t involve spending money never comes up, then she just wasn’t into you.