Petr 'Margot' Andreev

Karma: −39

Hello. I am Petr Andreev. I am 38 years old. I was born in Rostov-on-Don, USSR. I live in Montenegro. My interests include poker, crypto, and international law. I would like to talk and discuss with anyone who is interested.

Topics of interest include AI detection and consumer protection. Here is my LinkedIn post about an incident in the cryptosphere: https://​​​​posts/​​petr-andreev-841953198_crypto-and-ai-threat-summary-activity-7146973843398598656-7FoB?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop.

Scammers annually take liquidity without responsibility by using AI to evade abnormal filters. International and consumer law are not prepared for AI and other existential threats.

We are experiencing a crisis of ‘res publica’, a decline in secular values, and the death of the supremacy of law. We’re returning to categorization and a biased understanding of people. AI and the delusion that “code is law” are contributing to a crisis in the supremacy of law. These trends allow greedy AI users to pursue their own instrumental convergence and orthogonal thesis, leading to ‘degenerate principles’ that cause much harm.

International cooperation is excellent for education and stimulation, but in my experience, only people themselves can detect and report bad AI actors. There are a lot of great ideas on LessWrong, for example, the latest alignment article, but it’s hard to imagine that every AI group will adopt these. Large systems have many breaches and can exist for a long time without supervision.

Many aspects of material law and justice do not function as they should procedurally. It is very important that organizational initiatives like this happen: https://​​​​BaruchPlanForAI/​​status/​​1879166217430147311 (please repost and like it).

It’s encouraging that such topics are gaining attention. However, from my experience in consumer protection, victories of real people versus bots usually require the hard work of people, data scientists, statisticians, etc. Governments and organizations also need to create an environment that encourages education and stimulation for the safe use of AI. I believe the problem of AI safety is quite serious and I appreciate everyone who makes any effort to pause AI development. Thank you!

Case Story: Lack of Con­sumer Pro­tec­tion Pro­ce­dures AI Ma­nipu­la­tion and the Threat of Fund Con­cen­tra­tion in Crypto Seek­ing As­sis­tance to Fund a Civil Case to Estab­lish Facts and Pro­tect Vuln­er­a­ble Con­sumers from Da­m­age Caused by Au­to­mated Sys­tems

Petr 'Margot' Andreev8 Aug 2024 5:55 UTC
−9 points
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