Yes, Thays what I think happens. I guess that stopping could be a “better” way of doing it, but if you’re unsure the hotel might be ahead, keep going while trying to gather proper orientation may not be the worse. That would require lower speeds. If the example was about a frozen lake and you were driving over what you thought was thin ice, maybe being very careful with any momentum change should apply. I guess that may be the core underlying concern in sensitive situations.
Pedro Callado
Karma: 0
- Pedro Callado 15 Nov 2024 7:41 UTC1 point0in reply to: EHeller’s comment on: The correct response to uncertainty is *not* half-speed
I guess wisdom is about understanding, by observation, how “the wheels” role in the machine. You’re probably right but you always need to test different solutions. Cybernetics allows you to find out-of-the-box responses on a “plug n play” logic.