
Karma: 1,691

Just another Bay Area Singulatarian Transhumanist Libertarian Rationalist Polyamor-ish coder & math nerd. My career focuses on competitive governance; personally I’m very into personal development (“Inward & upward”); lately I’ve gotten super into cultivation novels because I want to continuously self-improve until my power has grown to where I can challenge the very heavens to protect humanity.

Statis­ti­cal mod­els & the ir­rele­vance of rare exceptions

patrissimo7 May 2023 15:59 UTC
37 points
6 comments2 min readLW link

Ra­tional Read­ing: Thoughts On Pri­ori­tiz­ing Books

patrissimo27 Mar 2011 19:54 UTC
43 points
45 comments5 min readLW link