HA, you may have your personal single life goal worked out but I’m not sure why the rest of us should be interested. My goal is emphatically not persisting my subjective reality as far forward in time as possible, let alone yours. I have other people I care about, I probably care more about the quality of my life than quantity, I do have memes that I place a great deal of value on. Most other normal people feel the same way, I suspect.,
Robin, what evidence has been brought forth to support the proposition that torture may be a good idea? I have cited books that study the history and deployment of torture, and groups that work with actual torture victims and would be happy to supply you with data. There’s some evidence for you. It may not be objective, but objectivity about such issues is unobtainable even in theory—you can’t even define torture without taking a stance about what constitutes torture as opposed to “harsh treatment”.
You say I certainly hope that when issues arise here people here are willing to set aside what they think they know enough to imagine being uncertain and then trying to evaluate which way the evidence and analysis leans.. Carl Sagan (I think) said we should be open-minded, but not so open that our brains fall out. It’s even more important when discussing issues as morally fraught as torture, that we don’t open our minds so far that our souls fall out.
This has approximately zero relationship to the way political campaigns (or anything else) happens in the real world, where campaign managers are part of an ideologically biased social network. In fact, their job is essentially to strengthen the connections between voters and a candidate, by whatever means necessary, mostly through propaganda (aka advertising) that combines emotional appeal with the occasional smidgen of rational argument.
Maybe it would be a better world if people didn’t work this way, but they do, and I don’t see any prospect of changing this. I’m not even sure how rationality can be applied to most electoral issues. Take the issue of abortion. Either you believe abortion is immoral, or not. You can apply rationality to figure out which candidate supports your moral point of view, but it’s not much help in setting your root moral values. So how can you make an unbiased choice?
Elections are all about trying to get people who share your biases into power. I know the self-proclaimed rationalists here think the whole process is icky, but part of being rational is dealing with the real world, not the world as you would like it.
That being said, there’s room in the electoral process for a bias in favor of rationality, science, humanism, and enlightenment. I think it’s pretty clear which of the two major political parties in the US favor those values.