Once people start appreciating it for the art, rather than just sounding nice, people will then create it for the art, rather than to sound nice.
I’m not sure what “appreciate it for the art” means.
Do you mean “appreciate its intended purpose” (i.e. what an artist is trying to accomplish) rather than “appreciate its expected purpose” (i.e. what you think the artist is trying to accomplish or what you think the artist should try to accomplish or what you know previous artists have tried to accomplish)?
doesn’t seem internally consistent with
I’d be inclined to believe that
is true of everybody.
The numbers I’ve seen with reference to introvert/extrovert ratios are 1 introvert to every 3 extroverts in the US. Unfortunately I’ve seen it in several books that don’t provide a direct reference for the ratio. It seems to be treated as common knowledge in that way. Anyone know where it came from?