I’m just a visitor in these parts so I’m sure this is common but this is the first I’ve personally seen of some weasling out of/redifing The Singularity.
The Singularity isn’t supposed to be something like the invention of farming or of the internet. It’s supposed to be something AT LEAST as game changing as the Cambrian explosion of vast biodiversity out of single-celled organisms. At least that’s the impression that non-Singularitarians get from happening upon the outskirts of your discussions on the subject.
I suppose as the community has grown and incorporated responsible people into it it’s gotten more boring to the point where it appears likely to soon become a community of linguists warring over the semantics of the thing: “Did The Singularity begin with the invention of the airplane or the internet?”
This is somewhat disappointing and I hope that I’ll be corrected in the comments with mind-blowing (attempted) descriptions of the ineffable.
Dude, I got no problem with your Historian’s Perspective. There have been lots and lots of changes throughout history and if you feel like coining some particular set of them “THE SINGULARITY”, then feel free to do so. But this aint your big brother’s Singularity, it’s just some boring ole “and things were never the same again...” yadda yadda yadda—which can be said for about three dozen events since the invention of (man-made) fire.
The Singularity of which sci-fi kids have raved for the past fifteen years used to be something that had nothing in common with any of those Big Ole events. It wasn’t a Game Changer like the election of the first black president or the new season of Lost, it was something so ineffable that the mind boggled at attempting to describe its ineffability.
You want to redefine THE SINGULARITY into something smaller and more human scale that’s fine and if your parlance catches on then we’ll all probably agree that yeah, the singularity will happen (or is happening or maybe even has happened) but you’ll be engaging in the same sort of linguistic trickery that every “serious” theologian has since Boruch Spinoza became Benedict and started demanding that “of course God exists, can’t you see the beauty of nature? (or of genius? or of love? or of the Higgs Boson particle?) THAT’S God”
Maybe. But it aint Moses’ or Mohammed’s God. And your singularity aint the one of ten years back but rather the manifestation of some fealty to the word Singularity and thus deciding that something must be it… why not the evolution that occurs within a hundred years of globalization? or the state of human beings having living with the internet as a window in their glasses? or designer babies? The historian of 2100 will have so many Singularities to choose from!