“But the tools of rationality are extremely powerful if you know how to use them.”
Yes this is why is irrational to think that right after you see the body of your room mate covered in blood and her neck open you do carwheels at a police station and go buy sexy lingerie to “have hot sex” as reported during the trial in court.
Is this rational to you?
Is this something you would do after you see your “friend” (because the other room mate claims they weren’t really happy friends anymore after something happened in October) dead on the floor?
this is an extract from Wendy Murphy’s article (http://www.milforddailynews.com/opinion/x327822063/Murphy-Foxy-Knoxy-Innocent-coed-or-manipulative-murderer)
“while Knox’s defenders have no trouble complaining that jurors judged her unfairly based on her behavior in the days after the murder (purchasing sexy lingerie, frolicking around town and making out with her boyfriend), they don’t mind pointing out her gentle appearance—or arguing that she has a reputation for being “sweet and generous and kind” etc. In other words—they’re fine with exploiting Knox’s image only to the extent it lines up with the idea that she’s “not the type” who could kill another human being in connection with an act of sexual violence”