Hi. I’ve been reading lesswrong since the start. I had overcomingbias.com on my RSS feeds before that became Robin Hanson’s personal blog, and followed the threads onto this site.
I don’t generally feel the need to comment on the posts here. My mind does come up with questions and opinions from what I read, but I’ve found that if I wait long enough, someone else will usually chime in with something close enough to my own thoughts that I feel my point has been made, even if not by me.
I have thought of a few things that might have made an interesting top-level post here (and with these, I haven’t always found someone else pipe up with the same idea), but I never got around to writing them, and with no comment-earned karma score, I don’t think I could initiate a top-level post anyway. I guess I could write them as comments in the open threads, were I more motivated to do so, but as I have other priorities, I’d prefer to just read.
I don’t find any of the above particularly problematic—I quite enjoy reading this site, even without writing anything myself. But, since my “hello” cannot be redundant here, no matter how similar it might be similar to other ones: hello everyone! Here I am!
Hi. I’ve been reading lesswrong since the start. I had overcomingbias.com on my RSS feeds before that became Robin Hanson’s personal blog, and followed the threads onto this site.
I don’t generally feel the need to comment on the posts here. My mind does come up with questions and opinions from what I read, but I’ve found that if I wait long enough, someone else will usually chime in with something close enough to my own thoughts that I feel my point has been made, even if not by me.
I have thought of a few things that might have made an interesting top-level post here (and with these, I haven’t always found someone else pipe up with the same idea), but I never got around to writing them, and with no comment-earned karma score, I don’t think I could initiate a top-level post anyway. I guess I could write them as comments in the open threads, were I more motivated to do so, but as I have other priorities, I’d prefer to just read.
I don’t find any of the above particularly problematic—I quite enjoy reading this site, even without writing anything myself. But, since my “hello” cannot be redundant here, no matter how similar it might be similar to other ones: hello everyone! Here I am!
And now back to lurking.