No, nobody would ever say that.
“Overcoming” doesn’t really work as an adjective.
Someone’s snapped it up now:
Either the prayer is answered, or not, so the odds must be 50%, right? :)
If the null hypothesis was true, the probability that we would get 3 heads or less is 0.08
Is the idea that the coin will land heads 90% of the time really something that can be called the “null hypothesis”?
being convinced you deserve something that it’s totally unreasonable (socially) for you to be granted
There’s some sort of ambiguity in the word “deserve”. I would say that every harmless person deserves to be loved, or deserves an enjoyable job, but that doesn’t mean anyone owes anyone anything. The world is the way it is.
To rephrase komponisto’s reply to this in a simpler manner, and minus the controversial bit:
I wish everyone would extend to the unattractive people of the world, of either sex, our right to feel bitter. This does not make us rapists. Thank you for your attention.
- Sep 12, 2010, 10:46 AM; 19 points) 's comment on More art, less stink: Taking the PU out of PUA by (
I wonder if Eliezer has or should read this review of Ender’s Game (a book I never read myself, but the reviewer seems to provide a useful warning to authors).
Are the words “women” and “men” reversed in your opening sentence?
That you are given three of the four letters for “lake” in correct, consecutive order.