Of course your already have an answer. Thanks!
Would love to read a gwern-essay on your archiving system. I use evernote, org-mode, diigo and pocket and just can’t get them streamlined into a nice workflow. If evernote adopted diigo-like highlighting and let me seamlessly edit with Emacs/org-mode that would be perfect… but alas until then I’m stuck with this mess of a kludge. Teach us master, please!
A data point from me: I was much more stressed when I had my emails joint. I’d say that in the long run you want to have them separated even if you really enjoy your job.
Fair enough, though it is really hard to say what’s supposed to go to the open thread (which really should be sticky so that it is bit more accesible). Massimo Pigliucci is a fairly known figure in the rationalist/skeptic/naturalist community. That doesn’t mean that I endorse his views (by far not—and not specifically for this article).
As a counter-example a seemingly random comment on an somehwat related blog got a full blown reply from Luke (meaning his reply to Mark Linsenmayer), though part of your critique is that I didn’t comment on the article (unlike Luke), which is fair enough—the reason being that I’m not familiar enough with Eliezer’s original post.
Pigliucci’s comment on Yudkowsky’s and Dai’s stance on morality and logic
Thank you vary much. I’ll have a look at the appendix (the FAQ along more of your writings are on my ever expanding reading lists...). Thank you for all the work and thought you put into it!
Sorry, it wasn’t clear from how I asked the question but I wanted a 2 sentence summary.… Gwern’s FAQ is a monumental piece of work but the question is if it is even worth reading 50k words long document about it?
I agree and tried to be careful saying “some people” (which is not exactly good practice, I know). As I noted below Motl is a fascinating specimen. I certainly don’t consider him to be a an authority on who is a crackpot or not, nor do I agree with many of his opinions or methods.
Still I think it is a strange mix of authors for this topic.
Gosh, thanks, fixed it… I know I’m not the first to screw this up, but still...
Yes, Motl has to be handled with lot’s of care, though usually as far as physics goes I find him alright (unlike say climate change and a bunch of other stuff). His tone can be off-putting, but I see him still as a useful contrarian in some areas and generally an interesting case study of an extremely bright person with some strange opinions and a very… interesting personality (to put it mildly).
It is strange that “Forty Years of String Theory: Reflecting on the Foundations” doesn’t have any of the bigger names from string theory (particularly, no Ed Witten?), but has pretty much the full list of controversial (some people would say outright currently crackpotish[1]) names like ’t Hooft, Verlinde, Smolin and lately also Susskind. I am not picking sides, but this raises all sorts of red flags about it. I bet Motl will be all over this.
I’ll have a look at Susskind’s paper, particularly if he is railing against reductionism.
[1] ’t Hooft’s and Susskind’s contributions to modern theoretical physics can’t be understated, but their general reputation suffered in recent years.
Does somebody happen to have an overview of the current consensus on Dual N-Back? My understanding is that the impact on IQ is not solidly established. What about working memory? Is there solid evidence for transfer? Is it wort a) learning more about it b) actually spend time on training if you have a cognitively demanding job (analysis/programming)? Thank you!
I’ve been long thinking about strengthening Anki with gamification. Have a score display, encouraging messages, bonuses and achievements for answer speed, correct-answer chains etc.
I’ll try your ideas!
I actually never heard about non-von Neumann architectures. Anybody has some tip on a good source on this? Especially how this relates to biological brain architectures? Thank you!
Since we still don’t have a lectures/talks thread I put it here:
The Singularity Summit 2012
Singularity Summit: Opening Remarks with Nathan Labenz
Temple Grandin: How Different People Think Differently
Singularity Summit: Olah, Deming & Other Thiel Fellows
Julia Galef: Rationality and the Future
Luke Muehlhauser: The Singularity, Promise and Peril
Linda Avey: Personal Genomics
Steven Pinker: A History of Vio
Ray Kurzweil: How to Create a Mind
Q&A: Economist Daniel Kahneman, the Pioneer of Heuristics
Melanie Mitchell: AI and the Barrier of Meaning
Author Carl Zimmer: Our Viral Future
Robin Hanson: Extraordinary Society of Emulated Minds
Jaan Tallinn: Why Now? A Quest in Metaphysics
John Wilbanks: Your Health, Your Data, Your Choices
Stuart Armstrong: How We’re Predicting AI
Vernor Vinge: Who’s Afraid of First Movers?
Peter Norvig: Channeling the Flood of Data
Graham Priest interview with Julia Galef and Massimo Pigliucci on paraconsitency and dialetheism:
Just for fun a recent paper:
Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation
Silas R. Beane, Zohreh Davoudi, Martin J. Savage (Submitted on 4 Oct 2012) Observable consequences of the hypothesis that the observed universe is a numerical simulation performed on a cubic space-time lattice or grid are explored. The simulation scenario is first motivated by extrapolating current trends in computational resource requirements for lattice QCD into the future. Using the historical development of lattice gauge theory technology as a guide, we assume that our universe is an early numerical simulation with unimproved Wilson fermion discretization and investigate potentially-observable consequences. Among the observables that are considered are the muon g-2 and the current differences between determinations of alpha, but the most stringent bound on the inverse lattice spacing of the universe, b^(-1) >~ 10^(11) GeV, is derived from the high-energy cut off of the cosmic ray spectrum. The numerical simulation scenario could reveal itself in the distributions of the highest energy cosmic rays exhibiting a degree of rotational symmetry breaking that reflects the structure of the underlying lattice.
- Apr 17, 2013, 2:34 AM; 18 points) 's comment on Physicists To Test If Universe Is A Computer Simulation (link) by (
- Oct 26, 2012, 8:17 PM; 1 point) 's comment on If we live in a simulation, what does that imply? by (
- Apr 17, 2013, 11:31 AM; 0 points) 's comment on Physicists To Test If Universe Is A Computer Simulation (link) by (
An indepth description of CogPrime’s architecture by Ben Goertzel:
http://wiki.opencog.org/w/CogPrime_Overview CogPrime: An Integrative Architecture for Embodied Artificial General Intelligence
Same with me… So it’d be at least 2 of us!
Is there somewhere a glossary for all the questions? That would be very helpful (beyond this survey).
Also—there was already a similar thread:
The comments have some answers (though not in a convenient machine readable form).
I used diigo for annotation before clearly had highlighting. Now, just as you, use diigo for link storage and Evernote for content storage. Diigo annotation has still the advantage that it excerpts the text you highlight. With Clearly if I want to have the highlighted parts I have to find and manually select them again… Also tagging from clearly requires 5 or so clicks which is ridiculous… But I hope it will get fixed.
I plan to use pocket once I get a tablet… it is pretty and convenient, but the most likely to get cut out of the workflow.
Thanks for the evernote import function—I’ll look into it, maybe it could make the Evenote—org-mode integration tighter. Even then, having 3 separate systems is not quite optimal...