I don’t think rebates are strictly added to bet on laziness. It’s not always easy to change the price, so it offers some flexibility for later updates. Then there’s quarterly earnings and other such stuff to muddy up the situation. Hi Eliezer. Hi everyone.
This is funded by Oxford then, right? I don’t see ads. Thanks to James Martin—perhaps you pushed forward the Singularity a bit.
The “winning nothing” is implied, and gets redundant here. Also, couldn’t the math be aligned better to our current system (base ten)?
I get that you’re being annoying, but I’m not sure what you’re aiming at.
But that’s pretty much what Christianity is, no? I’ve long suspected that “faith,” as discussed there, was a bit of a ruse designed to insinuate a necessary connection between being eating other animals and supporting childish ideals.
What’s 3^^^3? I take it more than 27.
It’s May. Singularity!
Wow, minus 13. Time to get a new handle.
Information wants to be anonymous.
- 17 Apr 2009 23:55 UTC; 0 points) 's comment on Just for fun—let’s play a game. by (
I’ve used androcur to reduce (a new one reducer was released recently) and androgel to increase. Removal of the testicles brought the level to near zero (adrenals produce some I think).
The “S” word is banned until May, but may I bring up the “T” word? Transhumanism, and ultimately posthumanism, will not have the notion of gender—I am certain of that. I have been at varying levels of testosterone following castration, and I cannot say the difference leads to any insight. I prefer to be at low testosterone most of the time just like I prefer to be at low blood-alcohol level most of the time. OK, another short comment, but I can only hope I offered something insightful that most cannot.
I think you are referring to Eliezer Yudkowsky.
Look, I haven’t had the chance to really put together the whole story. I try to at least by somewhat on-topic.
Do we have any transexuals here? As a eunuch, I became more rational. I’ve tried testosterone replacement as well, with mixed results.
There is a small community of us (eunuch.org being one place I visited). I did my research, and got what I expected. I’ll have more to say.
Voted up. Tradition is annoying.
I have no testicles by choice.
I can expand more. I don’t think I have to detail how many men became less rational because of testosterone. Besides the distractions of the preferred sex, there are more subtle “zen-like” qualities of the state. I’ll have likely more to say about the forbidden topic in regards to this state as well.
Read your Reddit post. Wow, sad. I did computer engineering undergrad, and actually didn’t get into CS grad school (pre-reqs I think). I ended up doing computer engineering masters. There’s a lot of stigma with CS—I’m actually happy I never got stuck with the label.