This is mainly what I want to know. From the comments on this post, it looks like W_N claims to have (read: geniunely has, geniunely thinks he has, or trolls as though he has) come across something he can’t tell people about—a basilisk, some conspiracy-theory-type information, something. Being a relative newcomer unwilling to go through large numbers of his previous posts, I’d like to know if anyone who’s seen him longer has any more information.
Also, this whole thing is absolutely hilarious to read.
No, but that’s a fallacious comparison. The header does in fact read “a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality,” and I’m here because I want to read that kind of site.
Also, I’ve read some of Will’s “computational theology” blog. His posts there seem to consist of actual reasoning and logic and such, whereas over here his posts on the same general topic tend toward “I’ve got a big secret I’m not going to tell you, so there, nyaah.” (My apologies if this is an unfair representation, but that’s the impression I’ve formed.)