Sorry for being a pain, but I didn’t understand exactly what you said. If you’re still an active user, could you clear up a few things for me? Firstly, could you elaborate on counterfactual definiteness? Another user said contrafactual, is this the same, and what do other interpretations say on this issue?
Secondly, I’m not sure what you meant by the whole universe being ruled by hidden variables, I’m currently interpreting that as the universe coming pre-loaded with random numbers to use and therefore being fully determined by that list along with the current probabilistic laws. Is that what you meant? If not, could you expand a little on that for me, it would help my understanding. Again, this is quite a long time post-event so if anyone reading this could respond that would be helpful.
woops, yes that was rather stupid of me. Should be fixed now, my most preferred is me backstabbing Clippy, my least preferred is him backstabbing me. In the middle I prefer cooperation to defection. That doesn’t change my point that since we both have that preference list (with the asymmetrical ones reversed) then it’s impossible to get either asymmetrical option and hence (C,C) and (D,D) are the only options remaining. Hence you should co-operate if you are faced with a truly rational opponent.
I’m not sure whether this holds if your opponent is very rational, but not completely. Or if that notion actually makes sense.