Just someone wandering the internet. Someone smart, but not smart like all of you people. Someone silly and creative. Someone who wanders the internet to find cool, isolated areas like LessWrong.
The universe is so awesome and crazy and interesting and I can’t wait for when humanity is advanced enough to understand all of it. While you people figure out solutions to the various messes our species is in, (I would prefer for homo sapiens to still exist in 20 years) I’ll be standing by for emotional support because I’m nowhere near smart enough to be doing any of that actually important stuff. Remember to have good mental health while you’re saving the world.
Pronouns: he/him
by “making an AI that builds utopia and stuff” I mean an AI that would act in such a way that rather than simply obeying the intent of its promptors, it goes and actively improves the world in the optimal way. An AI which has fully worked out Fun Theory and simply goes around filling the universe with pleasure and beauty and freedom and love and complexity in such a way that no other way would be more Fun.