I agree with this critique; I think washing machines belong on the “light bulbs and computers” side of the analogy. The analogy has the form:
”germline engineering for common diseases and important traits” : “gene therapy for a rare disease” :: “widespread, transformation uses of electricity” : x
So x should be some very expensive, niche use of electricity that provides a very large benefit to its tiny user base (and doesn’t arguably indirectly lead to large future benefits, e.g. via scientific discovery for a niche scientific instrument).
I’m looking for recommendations for frameworks/tools/setups that could facilitate machine checked math manipulations.
More details:
My current use case is to show that an optimized reshuffling of a big matrix computation is equivalent to the original unoptimized expression
Need to be able to index submatrices of an arbitrary sized matrices
I tried doing the manipulations with some CASes (SymPy and Mathematica), which didn’t work at all
IIUC the main reason they didn’t work is that they couldn’t handle the indexing thing
I have very little experience with proof assistants, and am not willing/able to put the effort into becoming fluent with them
The equivalence proof doesn’t need to be a readable by me if e.g. an AI can cook up a complicated equivalence proof
So long as I can trust that it didn’t cheat e.g. by sneaking in extra assumptions