“red button”/”green button”… Black or white. With us or against us. Willing to “save the world” (or destroy it, just the same...), megalomaniac delusion. What is your real business you should care about?
And please if anyone delete this comment have the courtesy to mail me the reason why. It already happened twice for some comments of mine which, surprise, surprise, weren’t too favorable to the singularitarian ideas. Is there some “bias” at work here, some double standard? Or is it just because under the guise of the “noble cause” of rationality this is just a propaganda site for the singularity?
Eliezer Yudkowsky : But the actual topic of this blog is cognitive bias and rationality
This is exactly what I mean, there are strong cognitive biases underlying the singularitarian ideas and since your “best analogies, metaphors, and examples tend to involve Singularity/transhumanism” don’t be surprised they are questionned.