EA Forum developer
To be clear I don’t know what I’m doing really. I do think that it failed to get the precise thing I was looking for though.
“Cruxy” is a useful term to have in my vocabulary. I use it relatively loosely to refer to the type of thing I look for in a double crux. A consideration is more “cruxy” if it’s closer to a but-for support for a proposition. Interestingly (mildly) this is very similar to the definition of “crucial,” and in fact the etymologies are the same.
The California vibes in that video are immaculate. Even mentioning Windham Hill Records!
I’m a big fan of land reclamation, but hadn’t heard of most of these barriers, thanks!
You might be interested in this “Best of LessWrong” post, Make more land.
This post is very cute. I also reference it all the time to explain the ‘inverse cat tax.’ you You can ask my colleagues, I definitely talk about that model a bunch. So, perhaps strangely, this is my most-referenced post of 2022. 🙃
My explanation of a model tax: this forum (and the EA Forum) really like models, so to get a post to be popular, you gotta put in a model.
I’ve referenced this post several times. I think the post has to balance being a straw vulcan with being unwilling to forcefully say its thesis, and I find Raemon to be surprisingly good at saying true things within that balance. It’s also well-written, and a great length. Candidate for my favorite post of the year.
You might be interested in the debate here.
You get paid if Wave does well whether they like you or not.
Private companies can and do prevent people they don’t like from selling stock to private buyers. So as an addition to this comment, I’d note that “the ability to cash out before an IPO 5+ years in the future” is a strong reason not to make an enemy of your former startup.
This is really cool.
I’ve historically said 1-2 weeks of skilled engineering work. That will lower by a factor of 2 after this branch, plus some follow ups, get merged.
Thanks for writing about ForumMagnum! This software is so much of my life, but understandably gets little attention an an object in its own sake.
That’s changing a bit now, and more people are reaching out about using it. — I think it’s the best forum software out there.
If someone reading this wants to build an instance, feel free to reach out.
Talon Voice, which I use for voice-commanding my computer, is very fast and has a linux version. I don’t know if it would run on a small machine, but it seems worth a shot. And it seems perfect for your command-centered use-case. To get more information, I would ask in their slack.
I love this post. Both the content, and the writing — I felt like you were happily telling me about your interest, and it made me happy.
I joined the Patreon!
My mom and her siblings report learning their phone number this way. It’s effective enough that I know that the house phone of my grandparents half a century ago ends in seven.
This is extreme JP bait.
Exactly the sort of mild optimization that I will become obsessed with.
I think you and the previous commenter would both do well to read the short, hyperlinked definition. (Sorry.)
We use Asana for this. (It’s broadly great, and I don’t understand how Jira isn’t getting its lunch completely eaten. And I’m not just saying that because of my funder.)
I agree with a lot of this, though I think the mental attitude here is still extremely useful. For example, you may be dealing with something outside of your usual ticket system, or a ball may be smaller than something that would justify an Asana ticket.
I would also expect extraneous details like, “got sick and fell of the wagon” or similar to add significant noise. And with only one data point each, it’d be hard to know the variance to use. I’m guess I’d trust this study more?