I am pointing out something wrong with the community here. The name of this site is LessWrong. On this site, it is better to acknowledge wrongdoing so that the people here do not fall into traps like FTX again. If you read the article, you would know that it is better to acknowledge wrongdoing or a community weakness than to double down.
Joseph Van Name
I already did that. But it seems like the people here simply do not want to get into much mathematics regardless of how closely related to interpretability it is.
P.S. If anyone wants me to apply my techniques to GPT, I would much rather see the embedding spaces as more organized objects. I cannot deal very well with words that are represented as vectors of length 4096 very well. I would rather deal with words that are represented as 64 by 64 matrices (or with some other dimensions). If we want better interpretability, the data needs to be structured in a more organized fashion so that it is easier to apply interpretability tools to the data.
“Lesswrong has a convenient numerical proxy-metric of social status: site karma.”-As long as I get massive downvotes for talking correctly about mathematics and using it to create interpretable AI systems, we should all regard karma as a joke. Karma can only be as good as the community here.
Let’s compute some inner products and gradients.
Set up: Let denote either the field of real or the field of complex numbers. Suppose that are positive integers. Let be a sequence of positive integers with . Suppose that is an -matrix whenever . Then from the matrices , we can define a -tensor . I have been doing computer experiments where I use this tensor to approximate other tensors by minimizing the -distance. I have not seen this tensor approximation algorithm elsewhere, but perhaps someone else has produced this tensor approximation construction before. In previous shortform posts on this site, I have given evidence that the tensor dimensionality reduction behaves well, and in this post, we will focus on ways to compute with the tensors , namely the inner product of such tensors and the gradient of the inner product with respect to the matrices .
Notation: If are matrices, then let denote the superoperator defined by letting . Let .
Inner product: Here is the computation of the inner product of our tensors.
In particular, .
Gradient: Observe that . We will see shortly that the cyclicity of the trace is useful for calculating the gradient. And here is my manual calculation of the gradient of the inner product of our tensors.
So in my research into machine learning algorithms, I have stumbled upon a dimensionality reduction algorithm for tensors, and my computer experiments have so far yielded interesting results. I am not sure that this dimensionality reduction is new, but I plan on generalizing this dimensionality reduction to more complicated constructions that I am pretty sure are new and am confident would work well.
Suppose that is either the field of real numbers or the field of complex numbers. Suppose that are positive integers and is a sequence of positive integers with . Suppose that is an -matrix whenever . Then define a tensor .
If , and is a system of matrices that minimizes the value , then is a dimensionality reduction of , and we shall denote let denote the tensor of reduced dimension . We shall call a matrix table to tensor dimensionality reduction of type .
Observation 1: (Sparsity) If is sparse in the sense that most entries in the tensor are zero, then the tensor will tend to have plenty of zero entries, but as expected, will be less sparse than .
Observation 2: (Repeated entries) If is sparse and and the set has small cardinality, then the tensor will contain plenty of repeated non-zero entries.
Observation 3: (Tensor decomposition) Let be a tensor. Then we can often find a matrix table to tensor dimensionality reduction of type so that is its own matrix table to tensor dimensionality reduction.
Observation 4: (Rational reduction) Suppose that is sparse and the entries in are all integers. Then the value is often a positive integer in both the case when has only integer entries and in the case when has non-integer entries.
Observation 5: (Multiple lines) Let be a fixed positive even number. Suppose that is sparse and the entries in are all of the form for some integer and . Then the entries in are often exclusively of the form as well.
Observation 6: (Rational reductions) I have observed a sparse tensor all of whose entries are integers along with matrix table to tensor dimensionality reductions of where .
This is not an exclusive list of all the observations that I have made about the matrix table to tensor dimensionality reduction.
From these observations, one should conclude that the matrix table to tensor dimensionality reduction is a well-behaved machine learning algorithm. I hope and expect this machine learning algorithm and many similar ones to be used to both interpret the AI models that we have and will have and also to construct more interpretable and safer AI models in the future.
So in my research into machine learning algorithms that I can use to evaluate small block ciphers for cryptocurrency technologies, I have just stumbled upon a dimensionality reduction for tensors in tensor products of inner product spaces that according to my computer experiments exists, is unique, and which reduces a real tensor to another real tensor even when the underlying field is the field of complex numbers. I would not be too surprised if someone else came up with this tensor dimensionality reduction before since it has a rather simple description and it is in a sense a canonical tensor dimensionality reduction when we consider tensors as homogeneous non-commutative polynomials. But even if this tensor dimensionality reduction is not new, this dimensionality reduction algorithm belongs to a broader class of new algorithms that I have been studying recently such as LSRDRs.
Suppose that is either the field of real numbers or the field of complex numbers. Let be finite dimensional inner product spaces over with dimensions respectively. Suppose that has basis . Given , we would sometimes want to approximate the tensor with a tensor that has less parameters. Suppose that is a sequence of natural numbers with . Suppose that is a matrix over the field for and . From the system of matrices , we obtain a tensor . If the system of matrices locally minimizes the distance , then the tensor is a dimensionality reduction of which we shall denote by .
Intuition: One can associate the tensor product with the set of all degree homogeneous non-commutative polynomials that consist of linear combinations of the monomials of the form . Given, our matrices , we can define a linear functional by setting . But by the Reisz representation theorem, the linear functional is dual to some tensor in . More specifically, is dual to . The tensors of the form are therefore the
In my computer experiments, the reduced dimension tensor is often (but not always) unique in the sense that if we calculate the tensor twice, then we will get the same tensor. At least, the distribution of reduced dimension tensors will have low Renyi entropy. I personally consider the partial uniqueness of the reduced dimension tensor to be advantageous over total uniqueness since this partial uniqueness signals whether one should use this tensor dimensionality reduction in the first place. If the reduced tensor is far from being unique, then one should not use this tensor dimensionality reduction algorithm. If the reduced tensor is unique or at least has low Renyi entropy, then this dimensionality reduction works well for the tensor .
This dimensionality reduction does not depend on the choice of orthonormal basis . If we chose a different basis for each , then the resulting tensor of reduced dimensionality will remain the same (the proof is given below).
If is the field of complex numbers, but all the entries in the tensor happen to be real numbers, then all the entries in the tensor will also be real numbers.
This dimensionality reduction algorithm is intuitive when tensors are considered as homogeneous non-commutative polynomials.
This dimensionality reduction depends on a canonical cyclic ordering the inner product spaces .
Other notions of dimensionality reduction for tensors such as the CP tensor dimensionality reduction and the Tucker decompositions are more well-established, and they are obviously attempted generalizations of the singular value decomposition to higher dimensions, so they may be more intuitive to some.
The tensors of reduced dimensionality have a more complicated description than the tensors in the CP tensor dimensionality reduction.
Proposition: The set of tensors of the form does not depend on the choice of bases .
Proof: For each , let be an alternative basis for . Then suppose that for each . Then
. Q.E.D.
A failed generalization: An astute reader may have observed that if we drop the requirement that , then we get a linear functional defined by letting
. This is indeed a linear functional, and we can try to approximate using a the dual to , but this approach does not work as well.
Thanks for pointing that out. I have corrected the typo. I simply used the symbol for two different quantities, but now the probability is denoted by the symbol .
Every entry in a matrix counts for the -spectral radius similarity. Suppose that are real -matrices. Set . Define the -spectral radius similarity between and to be the number
. Then the -spectral radius similarity is always a real number in the interval , so one can think of the -spectral radius similarity as a generalization of the value where are real or complex vectors. It turns out experimentally that if are random real matrices, and each is obtained from by replacing each entry in with with probability , then the -spectral radius similarity between and will be about . If , then observe that as well.
Suppose now that are random real matrices and are the submatrices of respectively obtained by only looking at the first rows and columns of . Then the -spectral radius similarity between and will be about . We can therefore conclude that in some sense is a simplified version of that more efficiently captures the behavior of than does.
If are independent random matrices with standard Gaussian entries, then the -spectral radius similarity between and will be about with small variance. If are random Gaussian vectors of length , then will on average be about for some constant , but will have a high variance.
These are some simple observations that I have made about the spectral radius during my research for evaluating cryptographic functions for cryptocurrency technologies.
The problem of unlearning would be solved (or kind of solved) if we just used machine learning models that optimize fitness functions that always converged to the same local optimum regardless of the initial conditions (pseudodeterministic training) or at least has very few local optima. But this means that we will have to use something other than neural networks for this and instead use something that behaves much more mathematically. Here the difficulty is to construct pseudodeterministically trained machine learning models that can perform fancy tasks about as efficiently as neural networks. And, hopefully we will not have any issues with a partially retrained pseudodeterministically trained ML model remembering just enough of the bad thing to do bad stuff.
The cryptocurrency sector is completely and totally unable to see any merit in using cryptocurrency mining to solve a scientific problem regardless of the importance of the scientific problem or the complete lack of drawbacks from using such a scientific problem as their mining algorithm. Yes. They would rather just see Bitcoin mining waste as much resources as possible than put those resources to good use. Since the cryptocurrency sector lacks the characteristics that should be desirable, FTX should not have surprised anyone.
I think that all that happened here was the matrices just ended up being diagonal matrices. This means that this is probably an uninteresting observation in this case, but I need to do more tests before commenting any further.
Suppose that are natural numbers. Let . Let be a complex number whenever . Let be the fitness function defined by letting . Here, denotes the spectral radius of a matrix while denotes the Schatten -norm of .
Now suppose that is a tuple that maximizes . Let be the fitness function defined by letting . Then suppose that is a tuple that maximizes . Then we will likely be able to find an and a non-zero complex number where .
In this case, represents the training data while the matrices is our learned machine learning model. In this case, we are able to recover some original data values from the learned machine learning model without any distortion to the data values.
I have just made this observation, so I am still exploring the implications of this observation. But this is an example of how mathematical spectral machine learning algorithms can behave, and more mathematical machine learning models are more likely to be interpretable and they are more likely to have a robust mathematical/empirical theory behind them.
Joseph Van Name’s Shortform
I forgot to mention another source of difficulty in getting the energy efficiency of the computation down to Landauer’s limit at the CMB temperature.
Recall that the Stefan Boltzmann equation states that the power being emitted from an object by thermal radiation is equal to . Here, stands for power, is the surface area of the object, is the emissivity of the object ( is a real number with ), is the temperature, and is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Here, .
Suppose therefore that we want a Dyson sphere with radius that maintains a temperature of 4 K which is slightly above the CMB temperature. To simplify the calculations, I am going to ignore the energy that the Dyson sphere receives from the CMB so that I obtain a lower bound for the size of our Dyson sphere. Let us assume that our Dyson sphere is a perfect emitter of thermal radiation so that .
Earth’s surface has a temperature of about . In order to have a temperature of , our Dyson sphere needs to receive the energy per unit of area. This means that the Dyson sphere needs to have a radius of about astronomical units (recall that the distance from Earth to the sun is 1 astronomical unit).
Let us do more precise calculations to get a more exact radius of our Dyson sphere.
, so which is about 15 percent of a light-year. Since the nearest star is 4 light years away, by the time that we are able to construct a Dyson sphere with a radius that is about 15 percent of a light year, I think that we will be able to harness energy from other stars such as Alpha Centauri.
The fourth power in the Stefan Boltzmann equation makes it hard for cold objects to radiate heat.
This post uses the highly questionable assumption that we will be able to produce a Dyson sphere that can maintain a temperature at the level of the cosmic microwave background before we will be able to use energy efficient reversible computation to perform operations that cost much less than energy. And this post also makes the assumption that we will achieve computation at the level of about per bit deletion before we will be able to achieve reversible computation. And it gets difficult to overcome thermal noise at an energy level well above regardless of the type of hardware that one uses. At best, this post is an approximation for the computational power of a Dyson sphere that may be off by some orders of magnitude.
Let \(X,Y\) be topological spaces. Then a function \(f:X\rightarrow Y\) is continuous if and only if whenever \((x_d)_{d\in D}\) is a net that converges to the point \(x\), the net \((f(x_d))_{d\in D}\) also converges to the point \(f(x)\). This is not very hard to prove. This means that we do not have to discuss as to whether continuity should be defined in terms of open sets instead of limits because both notions apply to all topological spaces. If anything, one should define continuity in terms of closed sets instead of open sets since closed generalize slightly better to objects known as closure systems (which are like topological spaces, but we do not require the union of two closed sets to be closed). For example, the collection of all subgroups of a group is a closure system, but the complements of the subgroups of a group have little importance, so if we want the definition that makes sense in the most general context, closed sets behave better than open sets. And as a bonus, the definition of continuity works well when we are taking the inverse image of closed sets and when we are taking the closure of the image of a set.
With that being said, the good thing about continuity is that it has enough characterizations so that at least one of these characterizations is satisfying (and general topology texts should give all of these characterizations even in the context of closure systems so that the reader can obtain such satisfaction with the characterization of his or her choosing).
I have heard of filters and ultrafilters, but I have never heard of anyone calling any sort of filter a hyperfilter. Perhaps it is because the ultrafilters are used to make fields of hyperreal numbers, so we can blame this on the terminology. Similarly, the uniform spaces where the hyperspace is complete are called supercomplete instead of hypercomplete.
But the reason why we need to use a filter instead of a collection of sets is that we need to obtain an equivalence relation.
Suppose that is an index set and is a set with for . Then let be a collection of subsets of . Define a relation on by setting if and only if . Then in order for to be an equivalence relation, must be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. Observe that is always symmetric, and is reflexive precisely when .
Proposition: The relation is transitive if and only if is a filter.
Suppose that is a filter. Then whenever , we have
, so since
, we conclude that as well. Therefore, .
. Suppose now that . Then let let where denotes the characteristic function. Then and . Therefore,, so by transitivity, as well, hence .
Suppose now that and . Let and set .
Observe that and . Therefore, . Thus, by transitivity, we know that . Therefore, . We conclude that is closed under taking supersets. Therefore, is a filter.
Yes. We have 2=[(2,2,2,...)]. But we can compare 2 with (1,3,1,3,1,3,...) since (1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,...)=1 (this happens when the set of all even natural numbers is in your ultrafilter) or (1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,...)=3 (this happens when the set of all odd natural numbers is in your ultrafilter). Your partially ordered set is actually a linear ordering because whenever we have two sequences , one of the sets
is in your ultrafilter (you can think of an ultrafilter as a thing that selects one block out of every partition of the natural numbers into finitely many pieces), and if your ultrafilter contains
, then .
I trained a (plain) neural network on a couple of occasions to predict the output of the function where are bits and denotes the XOR operation. The neural network was hopelessly confused despite the fact that neural networks usually do not have any trouble memorizing large quantities of random information. This time the neural network could not even memorize the truth table for XOR. While the operation is linear over the field , it is quite non-linear over . The inability for a simple neural network to learn this function indicates that neural networks are better at learning when they are not required to stray too far away from linearity.
If you have any questions about the notation or definitions that I have used, you should ask about it in the mathematical posts that I have made and not here. Talking about it here is unhelpful, condescending, and it just shows that you did not even attempt to read my posts. That will not win you any favors with me or with anyone who cares about decency.
Karma is not only imperfect, but Karma has absolutely no relevance whatsoever because Karma can only be as good as the community here.
P.S. Asking a question about the notation does not even signify any lack of knowledge since a knowledgeable person may ask questions about the notation because the knowledgeable person thinks that the post should not assume that the reader has that background knowledge.
P.P.S. I got downvotes, so I got enough engagement on the mathematics. The problem is the community here thinks that we should solve problems with AI without using any math for some odd reason that I cannot figure out.