I am having some difficulty that Jake may not have eaten the pastries and may not know what happened. But the adversarial situation asks him to somehow solve a puzzle he had no hand in creating. How do you deal with the fact that ‘turning up heat’ like this pretty much begs for speculation anyway?
As soon as I imagine an actually innocent Jake in this situation, his next line is, “Chocolate does not make all dogs sick, nor necessarily consistently do so. For that matter, a friend of Gillian’s could have stopped by or something. I don’t know, I was in my room playing video games.”
There’s still a principle I feel needs addressed. An authority figure (or at least someone who is supposed to be my ally) seems to be turning up the heat, adding pressure, escalating, questioning my veracity, fishing around for lies. And in that situation, evasive, defensive (possibly offense as a defense) and justifying tactics could be a natural response for the innocent.
Simply put, how do you make useful distinctions within that?